Ten: Sports Festival Finale

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     Midoriya was quite obviously troubled by Nadoka's sudden attack. He barely had time to ready himself before she had landed a swift punch to his bicep and kicked a bunch of dirt up in his eyes before retreating back out of sight.

     She repeated her tactic a few times before the dust cleared up just enough for Midoriya to spy her coming and catch her jaw in a punch that failed to knock her off her feet but did indeed knock her away.

     They separated and stared one another down. One side of her lips quirked up in a half-smirk, and Midoriya watched her slowly raise her left hand and turn her palm upward, gesturing him forward, egging him on. He smiled right back.

     They rushed one another, a long crystal spear erupting from the palm of Nadoka's hand as she closed the distance between them with an all but savage growl. She could vaguely hear the crowd and Present Mic losing their minds over Nadoka's sudden intensity, but now was not the time to linger on anything too long. Midoriya, whilst being himself a man of strategy, was quick enough to ensure that his opponent would be given no time to develop their own. Nadoka was relying solely on her instincts.

     The teen with purple hair, currently tied in a braid that flew behind her form like a cape, waited until she was just a few feet from Midoriya before using the crystal spear to vault over his head. She conjured another crystal in the air and pushed off of it with her legs, watching all but in slow motion as Midoriya began to turn toward her, only to have her boots collide with his back and send him flying forward onto his chest. She was rewarded with an obvious cry of pain and bit back a smirk, knowing this fight was anything but over.

     She landed, but Midoriya was quick, returning to his feet and spinning to face her at the speed of light, her spear connecting with the ground where he had been just a fraction of a second before. He raised a right hook and Nadoka closed her eyes, raising her arms encased with crystal moments before it connected with the makeshift shield, but although it sent a jarring shock down the length of Nadoka's body, simply from the sheer muscular force of it, it did not send her flying across the ring as she'd expected it to.

     He's not using his Quirk. Nadoka realized as she and Midoriya exchanged many quick blows, neither managing to outmaneuver the other's defenses to land the hits where they counted. He's hesitant to use it because he still can't control it enough. It's dirty, but I can use that to my advantage. Let's see if we can draw it out of him!

     Nadoka hopped backward, landing in a squat a few feet away from Midoriya. She allowed herself a determined growl, showing off sharp canines, and this seemed to strike enough fear in Midoriya to make him hesitate.

     She extended her bent arms to her sides violently, two long crystal shards forming from her palms. She spun the two around in her hands with precision, knowing that the useless but flashy tactic would come in handy one way or another. And judging by the pleased reactions from those who watched her flip and twirl the shards, she knew she'd made the right choice.

     Midoriya didn't like the look in her eye.

     It was too animalistic.

     Too... villainous.

     She launched herself forward without giving Midoriya much chance to even register she'd moved, and with a loud grunt she planted her left foot on the front of Midoriya's right thigh, pushing off and up. The toe of her right boot caught Midoriya's chin unforgivingly as she backflipped away from him, his form falling back to his rear from the force of both her weight and the kick.

     In midair, Nadoka righted herself and tossed both crystals, pinning each of Midoroya's sleeves to the ground and landing. She wasted no time darting toward him as he struggled to yank the crystals from the dirt, his positioning offering him no leverage to aid him. Her eyes were focused on his sweaty, slightly mortified face, so much so that she didn't notice him raise his right hand and extend it toward her, curling his fingers.

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