Sixteen: Domesticity

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     "Are you sure you can do this? I don't think it's fair to pit you against a pro hero all alone." Kirishima chattered nervously, taking hold of Nadoka's arm before she could leave the monitor room. She looked back at him and gave that smile, you know the one. She gently removed his hand from her arm and patted the side of his head affectionately.

     "Being a hero won't always be fair, Eij. There's no point in arguing for anything different. All I can do is give it my all and hope it's enough." She reasoned, and Kirishima sighed through his nose.

     "I guess you're right," He pulled Nadoka into a quick hug and kissed the top of her head, "I have faith in you. You'll do amazing. If Mt. Lady breaks you though, I'll become a villain with the sole purpose of getting revenge on her."

     Nadoka chuckled. "I'm sure you will. You'll watch my match?"

     "Wouldn't miss it. I love you, Doka."

     "Love you too, Eij. I've gotta go." Nadoka waved goodbye to her best friend and took off toward her arena. She felt a stab of sadness when she thought of Katsuki, knowing that he was still unconscious and probably wouldn't awake in time for her match.

     In an attempt to make the odds a tad more even for Nadoka, the teachers arranged for her to battle Mt. Lady in a cityscape, where her large size would put her at a disadvantage. Though, here she was playing the villain, so she didn't have to put as much effort into minimizing collateral damage as she normally would.

     Nadoka slipped through the gate and it echoed shut behind her. The announcer said her name and declared that her match had started, and Nadoka began to walk forward slowly, a determined casualty in her step. Her coat flitted in the light breeze that blew through the arena, and her eyes were alert, scanning the area intently.

     In the monitor room, the door slid open and the class was surprised by who hobbled through, grunting with obvious discomfort. Kirishima's eyes widened as he rushed forward, surprised when the newcomer accepted his outstretched arm, leaning on it for support. "What the hell, man, I thought you were knocked out!"

     Bakugou scoffed. "Like I would miss watching my girlfriend kick a pro hero's ass. I woke up a few minutes ago. That stupid Recovery Girl tried to get me to stay and rest, but as soon as she told me that Nadoka's match hadn't started yet I left and came here. Take me to the fucking front."

     Kirishima didn't really have a choice but to oblige. He wanted to tell Bakugou that he should be resting, but that would be hypocritical. He knew he would do the exact same thing if he was in Bakugou's position. In fact, it seemed as though the whole class was itching to see the outcome of Nadoka's 1v1 match, many shifting nervously on their feet and watching the monitors with obvious apprehension.

     In the arena, Nadoka had yet to see any sign of Mt. Lady. She had already guessed that Mt. Lady wouldn't activate her Quirk before she had to, as the longer she spent in her large form, the weaker she became.

     Nadoka examined her surroundings carefully, looking for anything that could potentially aid her to win. Nadoka had already surmised that her best option would be to make a run for the gate, not just because she was fighting alone, but because the handcuffs that were currently hanging from one of her belt loops would only fit on Mt. Lady in her smaller form. Nadoka doubted she'd be given much of a chance with the cuffs at all.

     A rock cracked somewhere to her right and Nadoka froze mid-stride, mismatched eyes piercing and searching. Listening closely, she raised her hand, crystal beginning to form a film over her palm in apprehension. A deafening silence fell over the arena and it was as though the entirety of class 1-A was holding its breath.

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