I swear it's not true

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Suggested by aldibrandcroftersjam (thank you!)

Type: Angsty romantic

Ship: Analogical with background Moceit and wannabe Login

*Roman POV*

I've got a soft spot for nerds. More specifically, this one nerd I've seen around town. Logan Berry. He's 21, like me, and works at the local bookstore. We've talked on occasion and he is the greatest person ever. 

There's just one problem. He has a boyfriend.

But I don't think that should stop me. The guy he's dating isn't even that good looking. And he works at Hot Topic. Hot Topic! Really, is there any place lamer?

I get ready for the day, putting on my work uniform. I work in retail part-time, which sucks. Luckily it's only until my actual career takes off.

I drive to work, clock in, and begin my shift. 

"Mornin' Pat," I say.

Patton and I met when I first started working here. Since then we've become good friends.

"Hey Ro! Want to go to the park later? They're showing a movie!" Patton says.

"Sure!" I say.

I really hope its a Disney movie.

"What movie is it?" I ask.

"The Sound of Music, I think. It's the only one showing tonight," He says.

Even better.

"Great! Are we going with anyone?" I ask.

Patton nods.

"Jan's inviting some of his friends. Two, I think," I say.

"Mk. So am I the third or fifth wheel?" I ask.

Patton shrugs.

"I dunno. It's at 7, so we're meeting at Jan's house at 6:30," He says.

"Ok," I say, "See you after work then,"

He waves goodbye and leaves. I guess he was working the early morning shift.

*Virgil POV*

Janus invited me and Logan to an outdoor movie. He said Patton was coming along with a friend too. Fine by me, as long as they aren't the loud, annoying type. 

Logan and I carpool to Jan's place. We hold hands as we walk up to the door. I knock.

"Hello, Virgil and Logan. I wasn't expecting you," He says, answering the door.

"Yes, he was!" Patton calls from the living room.

I smirk and walk inside. I sit down on the couch while Logan goes straight to Janus's pet snakes. He has three and Logan is fascinated by them. It's adorable.

"So who's the friend you invited, Pat?" I ask.

"His name's Roman. He's a work friend," He says.

On the other side of the room, Janus and Logan are talking about the snakes.

"Ah," I say.

He comes a few minutes later. I might be imagining it, but he pales when he sees me. 

"Sup, Princey," I say.

He works at the Disney store next to the Hot Topic at the mall. I've seen him around there.

"Hey Hot Topic," He says.

"Are we ready to get going?" Patton asks.

We nod.

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