When opposites attract

138 5 0

Type: Sweet falling in love/part of Thomas AU

Ship: Moceit

Patton hums a happy tune as he cooks up some pancakes. He turns as he hears footsteps down the stairs.

"Morning, kiddo! Pancakes'll be done in a minute!" Patton says.

He turns to the person.

"Hello, Patton," Logan says, "Thank you,"

"No problem! I take it you want the same kind as yesterday?" Patton asks.

"What do you mean?" Logan asks.

"Your Crofter's, silly!" Patton says.

"Oh yes, I'd like the same as yesterday. Blueberry, was it?" Logan asks.

"Bingo!" Patton says, grabbing the half-full jar.

He slides it onto the counter, it landing right next to Logan's plate. Patton grabs his spatula and puts two blueberry pancakes on the plate.

"Here ya go, Lo! Roman had a late night last night, so he won't be up for another half-hour or so," Patton says as he hands the plate to Logan.

"I see. And thank you. You are an impressive cook," he says.

"Aw, thank you kiddo!" Patton says, smiling brightly.


Janus smiles as Patton hands him a plate of pancakes.

"I see. Thank you," he says, "You are an impressive cook,"

Janus smiles inside when he sees Patton's tiny blush. This boy is an angel that can bite back while smiling. 

Absolutely perfect in every way.

"Aw, thank you kiddo!" Patton says.

They eat breakfast in relative silence, Janus reading a newspaper to appear more like Logan.

"Good morning, my friends!" Roman says, bounding down the stairs.

"Morning, kiddo! Is Virge coming?" Patton asks.

"Don't know. He shouted at me to 'screw off' when I knocked on his door," Roman says.

Janus tries to muffle his snort.

"Logan?" Roman asks.

"I got something up my nose," Janus snaps.

"Sure. Because you always reject emotion. I forgot," Roman says in a teasing tone.

Janus rolls his eyes.

"I'll go get Virgil. He hasn't come to breakfast in over a week!" Patton says, going upstairs.

Another thing Janus likes about Patton: He's so considerate and caring. 


Janus enters Logan's room. It's after breakfast now, and he doesn't want anyone getting suspicious. 

"Logan, so good to see you. I hope you didn't want breakfast," he says, looking at Logan.

"What do you want from us, Deceit?" he spits.

"Nothing. Actually, I brought you some pancakes," Janus says, handing Logan a plate.

"I don't believe you," Logan says.

"Then be that way. And if I wanted to hurt the others, I wouldn't embody someone they didn't listen to," Janus says.

He turns around, and just before he leaves, he says, 

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