chapter 4

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Chapter 4

I'm inside,
all of my family is here wait, except for dad didn't talked to me, yet, but jojo did, she said that Brandon was planning to run away with mom shelly and Dad,
he made an agreement, he would frame me, since I was in Hawaii, they would never find me, and we all would start a new life... but he didn't warned the family and Shelly made me come back home,

I don't blame him, it was a good plan, he didn't had fault for me getting arrested, I think I even love him more, but I'm sincerely hurt inside, he framed me?

Anyway, things are gonna turn all well.... my family didn't talked to me at all, maybe because they sorted things out?
and are just waiting to give me hugs and kisses, Dad's here now, he bought me a suit, I hate suits but it's the obligatory code to present yourself to the judge.

So I have to wear it, Dad is here!! He gave me a bear hug and told me that he was with me, everything is going to be alright, I smiled

"I'm ready!!"

We enter the room my judgement will take place at,
it was very big I sat down, my lawyer by my side, I look around
there is people that I have never seen in my life before, and finally my family....
Brandon,  Shelly, Mom, mom is stoic, I have never seen her like that, I wave smiling,
I think she didn't saw me, Oh she did but I think she chose to ignore me,
anyway she's here like dad,
everything is going to turn well even though I don't really feel that confident now, but I'm gonna be okay I keep telling myself that, again and again an-

"Everybody on your feet we are going to receive your honour, the Judge Jonathan MacFarlane"

I rose to my feet
As the judge seated In his chair we all in the court did the same,
  I heard that name before, but where??

"Case number 435"

That's me, I guess

Some tall man stands up and starts talking about the money wash ,the cap bleaching and my "run" from the police none of it it's true, Dad shout's at him every time he accuses me,

The Judge told him to remain in silence or he will  be removed from the room, I turned around and pleaded him to stop, he heard me, but the judge didn't said that I couldn't talk, I kept shouting and pleading my innocence,

my lawyer didn't say anything he's not stopping me, he's not contradicting the other man ,nothing ,he doesn't say anything, a bunch of people start giving their testimony saying that
I worked on my father's company as his assistant even though I was a minor three years ago, he let me work nevertheless, because one day I would assume as the CEO so I had to learn someday....

"Lies", Brandon is the next CEO, that's clear

"Mr. Santiago maked up the contracts"

Another lie... dad started shouting at them to say the truth... not my lawyer or the remaining part of my so called "family" moved a finger to help me, in the end, Shelly and mom Testified against me...

That's when my whole world crashed down, I was so blind, this wasn't an outsider work, they did all of this to get rid of me, I didn't wanted to be an executive and work on the company, I wanted to live a simple life with my small restaurant

The man that started accusing me first flashed me a guilty look

And proceded to show them all of the money that was missing...
Guess in whose accounts they founded?

I realized that sooner than they expected  their glass house would fall right in their heads, they needed someone to take the blame, I wasn't going to work in the company, in the end, so why not make a good use of me?

Mr. Rodriguez or just Henry as I call him now, stands up and starts talking, only protecting my mother and my sister

Saying that Dad and I forced them to keep their mouths shut, he said that I confessed that to him in the precinct,  Dad and me stealed money from our own company...
"I was the mastermind "

Brandon really wanted to run away with all of us, that's why in the last minute he changed Dad's name for mine, shelly or mom discovered somewhat and made me came back with the sweet talk that shelly gave me,

it was all planned, Dad would go to prison for a long ass time and maybe he wouldn't survive there, mom and her family would have the company to themselves, as I told before my grandparents from mom's part are active members of [Cincinnati inc.]

They were so good that they gave us a lawyer, who turns out to be their older grandson,
Dad don't have a real family who supports him, so why not??...Brandon started shouting too saying that his baby brother and his dad were innocent

The judge gave me his veredict

"Santiago Terrance Cincinnati, I'm here today to sentence you, to
19 years in prison for cap bleaching, money wash, for being a fugitive of the
law and for disrespect of authority."

Beating with his hammer twice, a few police officers came my way,

"No, my baby boy no, he is innocent don't take him!."

"No Santy,"
"Santy, Santy!!!"

"Baby no!!!!"

it was the first time that I saw my Dad like that, he was crying his heart out for me, my brother too and finally me, I didn't know how to feel, they were taking me already to "rainforth" a maximum security prison were I would be for a long, long, long, long time a few other officer's held Dad and Brandon down,
I got to tell them that I loved,... I love the guards take me away....

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