Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Dad, didn't visited me again,

nor him or Brandon,
not even my calls, they don't pick up anymore,
I feared that, something bad happened to them, but deep inside me, I know that maybe they gave up on me, and somewhat that was good I think, I will fulfil the 18 years and ½ left on my sentence,

I won't go anywhere with Nick, he always says to me that he is the only one that loves me,
that will always stay with me, the only one who will ever really love me, I think I'm starting to believe him,
even though I know that he is messing with my head, but I've been left so many times that it hurts to remember,

I still kept insisting, but Dad never responded for five straight weeks, I-I'm learning to let it go but it's so hard, during the day I stay with Nick and the others, I see C.C during break time, that's why, I ask Nick for us to be in the open for some time everyday, we sit on a bench, and breath some fresh air,

Nick has bad temper he used to always hit me,
I learned to calm him down, sometimes it works others don't, He is holding my hand, I put my head in his shoulder, well almost in his shoulder, because he is really a lot taller, I don't know my twins gender, cause here in prison they don't have an ultrasound machine, well what did I expected?I would never be like my "mother"

when she fell pregnant of me she, wanted a girl so much and when the doctors told her that I was a boy, I think she got disappointed, and somewhat hated me, I never really noticed that much but she wouldn't be close to me as for Brandon and Shelly....It doesn't matter to me my babies gender, they can be whatever they want, I will always support them,
I love them unconditionally already, I just want to meet two healthy babies when the time comes, C.C is still my bestie, I keep him far from me though, Nick threatened me with C.C life,
so I stay away from him...

"Let's go,"

Yes Nick,
I get up and walk to the cafeteria with him and the others, I went in line and brought my food, I sit down,

Cody [POV]

I said to the boss, he is across the table, I sit down next to Santy,

"C.C. what you doing?
Get up and leave now!"

You moved to another cell and never talked to me again, but nothing really changed, you still can't call me by my name, you're a true friend, like I'm to you

I get up and punch the "boss"
Everyone gasps, I'm so proud of myself now, I tell " I should have done that a long time ago, for what you did to my only true best friend, love you bestie"

Santy, smiles and tries to hold the boss, but the boss pushes him to his man's, well that's were things got ugly for me...

I don't remember anything, but Santy is here, he hugs me and says sorry,
I hugged him back and tells him that I had to have a little bit of justice, he smiles, I smiled too, so I knew that that monster was threatening Santy cause he would never stop talking to me,

and every day we would see each other on the break time, everyday, and since the boss has too much influence here, Santy is his cellmate now, and he and his man's never work like the other inmates, the boss is in solitary, Santy is a little free he sees me and the crew, Sam, bobby and the others, but he still has to go back to the south wing when the day ends,

I don't want to waste time laying down in the infirmary, mell isn't here, today is her free day, I told the other nurse that I was feeling well, and she let me go, for two days I could enjoy myself with Santy, even though some of the boss man's were following us around, well Santy is a part of the mafia now,

he is waiting for the new Mafia kings or Queens, and is married to the boss, these man's have to protect him too now, I told bye to Santy, he went back to the south wing for the day, for the first time in, these last few months I went to sleep with a big smile on my face.

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