Chapter- 2

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Ashton P.O.V.

I woke up and I saw a doodle on my arm. This is cool and I grabbed a marker and wrote a hi on my arm. I forced myself out of bed and walked to the bathroom. I took a piss and started the shower. I jumped in the shower and started to wash my body when I noticed a hey written on my arm. I smiled as I thought about who it could be. When I finished, I jumped out and walked to my room. I went to my closet and grabbed a black skater skirt, black thigh high socks, and a white crop top. I decided on Victoria's Secret panties with white lace detailing. I quickly put everything on and slide on some black on black Vans high tops. I quickly run downstairs to the kitchen and make some vegemite toast. I say goodbye to Harry and Lauren and walk out the door with my backpack. I slip on my headphones and put on Micheal's playlist. The song that came on was loyal by Chris Brown, Tyga, and Lil Wayne. (A.N. That song is a total bop and I totally recommend listening to it) I walked across town to school and when I was about to enter the gate I saw Brad. Oh shit, fuck my life.

"Hey Ashton, would you like to go on a date with me?" Brad said with a smirk. I silently cringed at the thought of going on a date with a monster.

"Um... no thank you." I said Awkwardly. I was silently hoping that he would not beat me up.

"No? NO? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? YOU CAN'T REJECT ME! IM BRAD MALDONADO AND I DON'T TAKE NO FOR AN ANSWER!!!!" Brad yells at the top of his lungs. I can see the raw fury in his eyes and I realized that I was gonna get hurt. He raises his fist and punches me in the face. I heard a crunch noise and I cried out in pain. I touched my face and I felt blood gushing out of my nose. I took all of the strength I had left and booked it out of there. I can hear Brad and his cronies running after me. I turned the corner to get off school property and I smacked right into someone. I fell to the ground and I saw Luke. I can hear the voices getting closer and I get up and start running. This time I can hear Luke behind me, running with me. We finally out run them and we end up at the park.

"Are you ok Ash?" Luke said with concern. I love the nickname he just gave me.

"I'm ok" I said with uncertainty as I felt my nose was still bleeding. I went to the bathroom and grabbed paper towels to soak up the blood and stop the bleeding. I looked in the mirror and I saw a bruise on the bridge of my nose. I looked bent in a way but definitely broken, GREAT!! I turned around and I saw Luke standing there and he looked worried.

"Um Luke, I think I need to go to the hospital cause Brad broke my nose." I said while paper towels were under my still bleeding nose.

"Oh shit that does look broken, let's get you to the hospital." Luke said concern. His ocean blue eyes are filled with worry and it seems like he cares about me.

"Ok let's go Lukey." I said with a slight smile. He smirked at the new nickname. I replaced the blood-soaked paper towels with brand new ones and we left the park. We walked to the hospital and entered the emergency department. We walked up to the reception desk and checked in. She said that she will call us when we are ready. We sat down and Luke put his hand on my thigh in reassurance. I looked up and smiled at him, and he looked into my eyes and smiled right back. I hope he is my soulmate cause I think I might love him.

"Ashton Irwin." A nurse said and we hopped up out of our seats and followed the nurse. She seated us in a room and said to wait for the doctor. A doctor walked in a few minutes later and started asking questions.

"What happened to you?" The doctor asked. I got really nervous and started stuttering.

"A p-person p-p-punched me in t-the face a-and i think t-they b-b-broke m-my nose." I said with tears in my eyes. My nose was burning and it was very painful.

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