Lost Souls...Part 23

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                                                        The Upside Down . . . or Dream Realm

I woke up to a loud crash and for some reason, I was in some sort of abandoned factory. 

Footsteps were coming from behind me so I got up and hid behind a few boxes. I tried to calm down so I covered my mouth to stop the sound of my breathing from being heard. 

Two cops passed me by and they looked armed, one had brown hair and a mustache well as the other had a police hat on and lighter brown hair. I couldn't make out what they were saying so I followed behind them from afar.

 "What are we doing today?" I heard one of them say, it seemed like they were investigating. 

"We're here to take down a man by the name of Wilfred Warfstache" I gasped at the answer and it caught the attention of the cops.

 Silence filled the room as I covered my mouth, I could hear them get a little closer but soon after I could here there footsteps move away.

 I peeked over the boxes hesitantly and I see their silhouettes go into another room. Quickly I got up and followed them to see that they had found Wilford in some sort of panel room.

 Wilford was in a red and white striped coat with a white tie and black button-up. Before I could intervene shot were fired and one of the cops caught Wilford's bullet. He had a small golden handgun that I had seen him use before many times. "It was an accident I swear~," he said as he ran past them towards me but I laid back on the wall so they wouldn't see me.

 They ran up to the roof and tried to catch up to them.

 The sound of gunshots was echoing from the rooftops and I ran as fast as I could to see the chaos.

 When I finally got to the roof I saw Wilford hold a gun up the cop's head as the other one was dead on the floor. "What..will.. you... do..?" a voice whispered to me as a gun appeared in my hand.

 I stared at it for a few seconds and I couldn't comprehend the situation.

 But I only had to two options in front of me. . .

Elizabeth(y/n)Pov: I was shaken awake by Darkiplier and I saw a small bit of concern in his face. frantically I looked around afraid that something was wrong or I was somewhere I didn't. I tried to get but Dark grabbed my shoulders and looked into my eyes. I focused on his gaze and breathed deeply but it was still half asleep.

His eye were pools of darkness and I help but stair, I haven't had the chance to actually examine his face.

 "W-what happened?" I shakily asked as I felt Dark pick me up from the floor and carried me to my room.

 The moonlight could be seen through the windows and it hit my face. 

"You had a nightmare so I woke you up. . ." Dark muttered, I wish someone could explain to me why my body was doing this.

I could feel my body sway as he took each step on the stairs until he finally made it to the second floor.

 Even though his body was cold I held his close which made me feel safe from the world. The sound of his heartbeat couldn't be heard but maybe it's because he doesn't have one. But I liked the thought of him having one, somewhere in my head I know that he had one.

The cold sheets touched my skin as I laid still and watched him tuck me in into bed.

 I was confused that he could sense I was having a nightmare, or even that he knew where I was. As I shifted around to make myself comfortable, Dark began to leave but I quickly grabbed his wrist.

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