Soulmark - boyf riends

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A snazzy and/or generic soulmate AU in which soulmates have a mark on their body signifying the place they first touch. 

Also yes, the writing style is whack but that's what happens when you abandon a story for a few weeks and come back to it sleep-deprived and behind on applications. Enjoy.

TW: swearing


'Twas a Friday afternoon at the Mell residence, where Jeremy was getting his ass kicked at Super Smash Bros. Jeremy was one of those kinds of Smash players that picked the pretty players instead of the actually advantaged ones. Naturally, while Jeremy was simping over Sheik, Michael picked a decently good character that he actually knew how to play. 

A mere 4 rounds were played before Jeremy rage-quit and demanded they do something else, preferably not video game related. Many minutes of slightly uncomfortable silence commenced before anyone said anything.

Michael was struggling to think of something to say that wasn't obscenely boring, when he stumbled across an idea. His soulmark. As in, the mark that everyone thought he didn't have but was really just sitting there right on his lips. He assumed it passed as his skin tone or lipstick to a passerby, but the fact that Jeremy didn't know was astonishing. 

He knew, of course, that Jeremy was his soulmate, because of the dark patch just off-center of his lips that stood out against his whiter than white skin. Not gonna lie, Michael knew his best friend was an oblivious bitch, but he didn't expect this extent of oblivious-bitchness. 

"Dude, do you wanna know something really crazy?" He asked, eyes searching around the room in boredom and possibly avoidance.

"Uh, duh! Gimme," Jeremy said, stretching backwards over his blue beanbag which in turn made his shirt ride up past his belly button.

Michael pushed up his glasses before saying, "Okay this is gonna sound really weird but we're soulmates." Jeremy's eyebrows got all knotted in a look of confusion.

"But you don't have a mark... or your soulmate is really fucking freaky, which I am not." Michael in turn gave him an expression that said: are you sure about that? Needless to say, Jeremy was really fucking offended that his Best Friend(trademark) thought he was that kinky.

Michael blew out with a great deal of force. "I can prove it but you've gotta trust me." This was possibly one of the only circumstances that consent wasn't sexier, but the trust part as well as the fact that Jeremy knew where his own mark was kinda made up for it. 

The Author shrugged and said, "Eh, good enough;" they were too busy listening to Mother Mother. Anyways- 

Jeremy made a come here motion with his hand. Michael scooted closer until he was almost sitting on top of him. "Don't touch my skin; it'll ruin the thing. But you can grab my clothes if you want." Jeremy grabbed onto the sleeve of Michael's vermilion hoodie for support and nodded. He looked flustered for sure, but Michael wasn't sure if it was because he knew what was about to happen (duh, his mark is smack-dab on the lips) or if he was an oblivious, hopefully gay, bitch.

Michael snagged Jeremy's shirt in-between his fingers and planted a curious kiss right on top of his mark. He pulled back with his eyes squeezed tight, in fear of what was happening. He heard a yelp from Jeremy, followed by deep and crackly chuckles. 

"Mikey, you're really gonna wanna see this," Jeremy said, amazement lingering around his aura. Michael loosened the grip on his eyes to feel a bright light streaming through his eyelids. His face un-scrunched as he flipped his eyes open, figuring it would be better to just rip the band-aid off, and was met with a wonderfully joyous and frankly quite beautiful Jeremy with his lips glowing with the intensity of a shitty summer camp flashlight. Rainbows shone on his face like he was standing in front of a prism. 

Michael fell onto Jeremy, arms wide with a dopey grin. "I can finally touch you!" Jeremy squeezed Michael tight.

"How long did you know?"

"About... this thing," Michael pulled apart from the embrace enough to motion at his lips, which were now emitting the same amount of light as a purple glow stick. Jeremy pulled him back into the long overdue hug.

"Yeah. Also, follow up question, do you like guys, have you ever liked me, do you like me currently, and how long?"

"That's four follow up questions, but: I've known for a couple of years, yes, yes, yes but not in a weird way, and I'm not really sure." The collective talking speed was all over the place; words coming out as fast as a rap but long pauses in-between.

"Okay, good to know. Also, what should we do about this situation?"

"I wouldn't object to being more than best friends, but I also respect your boundaries, so really it's your choice." Michael shrugged. 

"I think I need to work out a couple things before I can contribute to a healthy relationship, y'know having an identity crisis right now, but a friends with benefits deal would be nice." He let Michael get up off of him and gave him a nonchalant kiss.

"Sounds like a plan." Michael had built up quite a bit of anxious energy with this whole encounter. Not wanting to be seen as weak (which was just anxious thinking at play; Jeremy would've been totally fine with cool-down time), he kept moving his feet once he stood up. "Slushies?"

Jeremy agreed, hopping to pull his worn Converse sneakers on. "Let's go."


Guess who's making you wait for a part two?!?!?!? ME

So anyways gimme requests please :|

And also (self promo) if you like Mothman or she/theys or healthy domestic wlw representation you should check out my art instagram because I may or may not be making a comic that includes all three and more @ im_driving_over


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