Chapter 2: Feeling More

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My heart is pounding tonight. I wonder, If you, are too good to be true?

I quickened my pace. As I try to make my way throughout the crowd of students.

Our last class for the day just ended and we were told to go home. It was pretty early, considering school usually ends at 4:00 pm. But I didn't mind.

Kaye and I agreed to go home together today since club activities were postponed. We don't usually go home together, even though we live in the same neighborhood. It's because our schedules often overlap.

I started to run as I passed through the last group of students in front of me.

Kaye is probably waiting at our favorite ice scream store in front of the school. I coudn't keep her waiting since my bestfriend is impatient as hell.

I reached the store just in time. I saw kaye walking out of the ice cream shop slowly while holding 2 cups filled with chocolate goodness.

"oh you're here!" she said, with her lively voice. Gosh how I hated her voice.

I took one cup of chocolate ice cream from her hands as we started to walk. Our neighborhood wasn't that far from our school so we often just walk.

As we walked slowly, I started to notice the orange leaves on the ground. It was beautiful. But it was nothing compared to winter.

We passed through butterscotch street and I noticed a piece of orange leaf rested in top of kaye's head.

I reached out my hand and removed the piece of leaf as I chuckled under my breath.

"did you know" I said as I tried to swallow the big lump of ice cream in my throat. "that my favorite season is winter?"

Kaye looked at me with confusion "is it because the first day of winter is prom night?" she asked as she wiped the chocolate out of her cheeks.

I slightly giggled "no, its because it's the time of the year where Mom comes back from russia" I smiled at her as I said those last part. and she smiled at me back

Out of all the people in the world, my Mom was my favorite. She would always support me even though she was in russia and I'm in denmark.

Aside from the gifts and chocolate she would send me. I really liked how she sent me letters. I know it may sound so basic, but I loved how she spent her time to write me one. It made me feel special.

I continued to daydream about how my mom always looked after me even when she was away. She would often call me and tell me stories about how she wished she were by my side.

My mon may not be here at the moment, but she always made feel important to her. She made me feel as if she was by my side, always.

"cedric? hello?" kaye said as she interrupted my train of thoughts. "i have to go now"

"oh, see you then" we reached the intersection where we would part ways. Her house was located in Grandiose Street while mine was at Loganberry.

We parted our ways, like it happens all the time.

"oh I almost forgot" I halted as I turned around seeing kaye doing the same thing. "Do you wanna be prom dates tommorow? you know, since I heared you don't have one yet"

"hmm" she hummed as she kicked a small stone in front of her. "sure!" she said as she hopped happily to the direction of her house.

I never liked her lively personality.

A few hours had passed and I'm currently in front of my cabinet. I'm troubled of what to wear since I wanted to look presentable in front of kaye tommorow.

I suddenly froze. Did I hear myslelf right? Did I really wanted to look nice in front of my bestfriend?

I froze in front of my cabinet for a solid 5 minutes and given it some thought. I realized that I always wanted to look nice in front of kaye.

I always wanted to stand out, I always wanted her to have fun and I didn't liked it when she gets annoyed for waiting.

I laid on my bed as the thought of me having a crush on kaye was true.

It was true. All these time feeling were being formed and I didn't realize it.

While on my pillow, I thought that I needed to confess. I needed to tell her how I feel before it's too late.

But after a few minutes, thousands of 'what - if's' started to rain on me. What if she would laugh it off? What if she didn't like me back?

What if my fragile truth, would cost our friendship?

Who woud have thought, that I would feel this way

Who could've known, that neglected feelings tend to grow

How could I know, that one day I'd wake up feeling more.

Winter Night (Sweet Melody Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now