Chaper 4: Ships in the Night

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But I had already reached the shore. Guess we were ships in the night. Night, night.

I slowly open my eyes as my vision suddenly became clearer.

I woke up at the sight of a ceiling. A white ceiling. A began to look around because the room I'm in doesn't look familiar.

I slowly got up only to realize that I was in a hospital room. It was sunny outside but not enough to melt the snow on the ground and on trees.

My head started to ache again as I try to remember the last thing that happend. I closed my eyes as pictures started to form in my mind

I see a woman, with long pitch black hair. She was running, one hand holding her purse, and the other covering her face.

I was laying in snow. My hand positioned as if I was trying to call her out, but I can't.

The woman was kaye, my bestfriend who I later found out that was the love of my life, but unfortunately, she didn't felt the same.

I opened my eyes as tears started to run down. My heart was aching, for some reason.

After a few minutes I decided to go outside for some fresh air. I figured that maybe that was just what I needed, a break.

The snow was still in the ground, as I walk in towards the garden behind the hospital building. I reminisced the times me and kaye were together.

The times where we were smiling, laughing, giggling, and having fun. I desperately needed her smiles this time, I thought.

I sat on the bench under a tree and smiled at the sight of flowers. Kaye always loved flowers.

I found it funny that I know so much about her. I know every detail of what she likes and what she hates. But I don't even know if she knows anything about me. Does she even know I was hospitalized?

I spent the whole afternoon at the garded and now It was night time.

I came into a conclusion that maybe, just maybe, I could've made it work. Maybe if I was brave enough, I could've made her stay. Maybe if I was a man, she could've been mine.

Tears started run down my cheecks again as I closed my eyes and bit my lips.

But what if, I thought, it just didn't work out as I thought it would? What if were just not meant for each other?

I opened my eyes as this realization came to me. We just wouldn't work.

Like ships in the night, wandering on shallow waters as it desperately try to find land.

Maybe, those ships represented us. Kaye and me are two ships wandering on this shallow world as we seek the right ones for us.

I bumped into her and thought, maybe she is the one, maybe she's my one and only. But it just turned out that the only reason that I found her, was because it was dark.

I told myself, that I should just move forward. Forward to life and it's many opportunities. And hope that maybe one day, I would find the right one for me.

Maybe one day, I would find her. The woman that I desperately needed in this dark shallow waters.

But for now, I will simply find shore to rest on. As I try to repair myself.

I closed my eyes, and rest. Thank you Kaye. It may have not work. But atleast we created memories that could last forever.

Thank you, for being my ship at the night.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2021 ⏰

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