Chapter 3: My heart is Pounding

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are you too good to be true? would it be alright if I pulled you closer

Kaye and I started got tired because of the prom. We danced in there like crazy.

We started to walk slowly to the garden of our school. She and I agreed that we would wait for the snow to come, since I told her that it was my favorite season.

We walked endlessly trying to find where to sit so that we could see how beautiful the first snow of the year.

We sat by the little river behind our school. The bench was bellow a tree so it was a perfect spot to watch the snow while avoiding to be covered by it.

It started to get colder as time passes by. We were casually exchanging small talks but nothing special.

I decided to tell her right now. I put all my time into this matter and thought that if I don't confess now, nothing would happen and I might regret this later on.

We looked up at the sky. As the music inside the school became slower, and slower.

At this moment, my heart was beating faster. This was the time I was waiting for, this was the time where I would confess. This was the time that I tried to avoid.

I moved so that I could face her. This way, I had a better view of her. The love of my life

She was looking at the night sky. With her eyes as blue as the ocean. With her hair as peach black as the universe. And her smile, plastered on her face, that costed a fortune. 

"kaye" I whispered as the night became colder. But that did not bother me, this was the night that I was waiting for.

She looked at me with her beautiful eyes. At that exact moment, I thought, what did I do to deserve her?

"yes?" she said with her lovely voice. The voice that I wanted to hear for all my life. The voice I did not appreciate until recently.

"you do know that" I swallowed the lump in my throat. "I love you, right?" I said with all my chest.

I looked down at my feet. I coudn't believe that I said that. I coudn't believe that for once, I actually did something that I am proud of.

A few minutes have passed and I decided to look up. To see kaye's face.

Slowly, slowly, and slowly.

Once my gaze stopped at her face. She was crying. Tears started to roll down her cheecks.

I reached out my hand to wipe those tears. I coudn't bare the thought of her crying. Maybe she's happy? she's glad that I finallt confessed and that she feels the same?

Just as my palm was gonna reach her cheecks she pushed my hand back.

I froze on my seat. Did she slapped my hand? Mountains of thoughts started to pile up in my head. At some point, I coudn't comprehend what as happening.

"I'm so sorry" She covered her hands as she stood up slowly.

She grabbred her purse. With a deep breath she said the something and left.

She ran. and ran. and ran.

I stood there my head buffled and my eyes full of tears. My mouth was left opened and my hand hanging in the air, the exact same position as before.

As her footsteps started to fade. So did my vision.

I got dizzy as I tried to stand with my feet. I looked like a drunk old man but that didn't matter at the moment.

The world through my eyes suddenly tilted. As I felt something hard hit my head. My body was freezing. My vision was fading. And my heart was aching.

As I try to breath, I suddenly became drousy. I heaved out a sigh as I saw what I considered the most beautiful view.

The snow started to fall. And so did my eyelids, as I shut my eyes and whispered "kaye.."

Winter Night (Sweet Melody Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now