Mr Loverman x Crowley x reader

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(Song is Mr Loverman by Ricky Montgomery)

'I'm headed straight for the floor

The alcohol served its tour

And it's headed straight for my skin

Leaving me daft and dim'

I cant breathe, or so it seems, I sit on the throne of hell but the heavy weight of my new duties cant even make me listen to the demon in front of me. He spews information that I just cant make myself listen to

"Conrad, please leave" I mutter, rubbing my forehead. The demon just nods and leaves, they all knew not to question me anymore, not after what happened to the last one who did. The poor sod was still tied up in a dungeon, his demonic abilities the only thing keeping him alive. When the throne room door closes I hold my hand out, making a drink appear. I greedily gulp it down, loving the feeling as it burned down my throat. I stand and walk around the room, my hair was pulled into a crown braid, though as I worked throughout the day strands had fell loose and now framed my face. My floor length black dress hugged my curves and the bust came down low enough to hint at my curves but it still covered them.

'I've got this shake in my legs

Shaking the thoughts from my head

But who put these waves in the door?

I crack and out I pour'

These past few weeks I had struggled, after my love died I could barely cope. Though I did what any good queen would do and I picked up the responsibilities, I kept going and I made sure no-one else dared to take the throne my husband once sat on. Everything reminded me of him, this was his domain after all, it didnt make it easier however. Nothing would, I had loved him for centuries, we had gone from demons to the rulers of hell and I was by his side every step of the way. I didnt just love Crowley king of hell, I loved Crowley, lowly demon, king of the crossroad, just Crowley. When he died his demons tried to question my authority, tried to doubt my ruling abilities, I had to set an example to stop any revolutions, though if I was honest I liked it. One of the things Crowley and I had in common was our cruel streak, we could get nasty if provoked, and with his death so fresh my temper control isnt quite what it was.

'I'm Mr. Loverman

And I miss my lover, man

I'm Mr. Loverman

Oh and I miss my lover'

The day he died wasnt one I would forget soon, the nephilum, Jack, had just been born. Crowley just wanted to stop Lucifer, I had no idea what his plan was until I was stood at the portal back to our own world and he ended himself. Sam Winchester had to drag me screaming from the awful place, I didnt want to leave him but they didnt give me a choice. Then Castiel was killed, the matriarch of the Winchester family was left in the other world with Lucifer and I was alone. When I was pulled back to our world I couldnt deal with anything, I ran, the first place I thought of going to was the house in which Kelly Kline lay in labour. I hadnt known her for long but long enough to form a connection of some kind with her, she wasnt keen on demons but when she realised we were against Lucifer and with the Winchesters she trusted us more. When I found her dead it was hard, tears were already falling from seeing Crowley die so this grief just added to the constant stream, though my face was blank of emotion. I had to wonder where the nephilum had got to, surely a baby wasnt going to just up and walk away. When I found him I didnt realise it was actually him, he looked at least 20, though I could feel the power radiate from him. I managed to talk to him for a few moments before Sam showed up, he took a gentle approach. Then of course Dean barelled in and scared the boy. Whilst they went to find him I went to hell, I couldnt stay around the boys who never truly cared about the man I was grieving so hard over, they wouldnt understand it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2020 ⏰

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