Middle school.

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A/N: By the way in this story UA starts at age 16. There is smut in this chapter which I have never wrote before so..... stick with me here. Also I will explain Izuku's quirks in a future chapter.

~Izuku's pov.~

I'm on my second year of junior high, I'm 14 (I know that's wrong, shush.) and waiting for the final bell to ring, I'm so bored because I have studied ahead and have learnt everything in collage courses.

Ring ring.

'Thank god, now I just need to get out before kacchan and-' my thought was cut off be Kacchan slamming his hand down on my desk. 'Shit!'

"H-hi kacchan, I-is t-there something I-I can h-help you with?" I stuttered out a bit scared.

"Nerd, my mum wants to see you." He said calmer than usual.

I audibly sigh but Kacchan didn't seem to notice. "Come on, auntie is already there."

"Coming Kacchan." I yell following him out of school. 'This is odd, he didn't yell or hit me, nothing. Hmmm.' I thought.

~ Time skip/ Katsuki's house. ~

"Old hag, we're here" Kacchan shouted.

"Hey auntie, uncle, mum." I say greeting all the adults.

"Hey sweetie, I had to take a few extra shifts for the next few days, so you will be staying here. I already brought your stuff. You will stay in Kats room." My mum said.

"WHAT!!!" Me and Kacchan both shouted at the same time.

"I'm not sharing a room with the stupid nerd." -Kat

"KATSUKI, YOU'LL DO AS TOLD!" Auntie yelled while smacking the back of his head.

"Tch, stupid hag, I'm going to my room." -Kat

"Izuku sweetie just for the weekend, I trust you. got to go now honey, bye, I love you." My mother told me.

"Okay, by mum, I love you to." I kissed her cheek and she left.

"Awwww, why can't katsuki be as sweet as you." Aunti cooed.


"You can watch tv, Masura and I will make dinner." Aunt said.

"Okay auntie." I then sat on the sofa and turned a pre-quirk movie called 5 feet apart.

Surprisingly Kacchan came down and sat next to me watching it aswell.

~No-ones pov.~

Half way through the movie Izuku fell asleep and had his head resting on Katsuki's shoulder, at first he flinched but at the same time he didn't want to wake the nerd up, so he just left him to sleep and soon fell asleep resting his head on Izuku's.

Mitsuki came in to tell the boys dinner was ready but when she saw the two her eyes lit up and she took a picture and sent it to Inko and decided it was probably a smart idea to wake katsuki up first.

She woke him up and told him to wake Izuku and dinner is ready.

~After dinner.~

The two boys went up to bed, got cleaned up changed and when Izuku entered Katsuki room the door slammed behind him scaring him then suddenly katsuki pushed him up against the wall.

Leaned into his ear and asked, "you want to do something fun?" While licking dekus ear causing deku to turn into a tomato.


He was cut of by Katsuki's lips interlocking with his like they fit perfectly together.

Katsuki bit Izuku's bottom lip causing him to gasp and moan at the same time. Katsuki slipped his tongue into dekus mouth, with deku immediately handing control over to Bakugou.

"Jump." Katsuki mumbled into the kiss. Deku did as told completely trusting Kacchan.

Katsuki lifted his weightless body easily and repinned him to the wall hands on his butt and dekus legs wrapped around his waist and arms around his neck, deepening the kiss.

Katsuki moves down to dekus neck causing him to moan when he hit his sweet spot causing Katsuki to get really hard at the sound deku made. Katsuki still holding onto his deku moved to the bed and started taking his top off kissing down his relatively muscular body. (With clothes on he just looks scrawny).

"Wow deku and didn't think you had abs?" Kacchan asked in suprise.

Deku didnt reply and started taking Katsuki's shirt off along with his trousers.

Bakugou couldn't take waiting anymore he took Izuku's trousers and pants off at the same time. Biting really hard down on Izuku's neck causing blood to come out with really turned Izuku on and moaned louder. (He's a bit of a mosochist. 😉.)

Katsuki took his own boxers off and was about to prep izuku until he said.

"Just stick it in, I don't care if it hurts."
This kind of shocked Katsuki but he did as told.

He lifted dekus legs on his shoulders and lined his length up with dekus hole and put it all in really quickly causing deku to moan at the amount of pain and pleasure was caused.

Katsuki didn't wait for deku to adjust before slamming into him again and again and again. He leans down and kissed deku on the lips saying "I'm in love with you but nothing after this is going to change okay."

Deku just nodded and said "I love you to Katsuki."

This caused Bakugou to be surprised but they carried on doing the deed until deku released and soon after Katsuki did to inside of Izuku.

Katsuki collapses next to Izuku and pulled Izuku's head into his chest.

Deku was the first to speak. "Kacchan I really do love you so if this is all I can get from you, thank you." He managed to say without stuttering.

"Nerd, maybe in the future I'll be able to come face to face with my emotions and be able to ask you out properly."

"Then I'll wait for that day." Izuku said and softly kissed Katsuki's lips before snuggling back into Kacchan a chest and falling asleep.

The next day went as if nothing happened but at the end of the day the slept spooning each other and on Sunday Inko picked Izuku up and they went on as if nothing ever happened. But something inside Izuku changed.

Deku's secrets. (Bakudeku, Mpreg, Singerdeku)Where stories live. Discover now