Middle school.

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A/N: By the way Katsuki isn't going to invade dekus privacy about the Mitsuki thing because he cares about him and doesn't want him to lose trust in him.

~Two months later, dekus pov~

I had just finshed feeding Aika and Haru and started playing with them when I heard Aika babble

"Dada" -Aika

"Did you just?" -Izu

I had tears in my eyes when I heard,

"Dada" -Haru.

"Oh my god."

I wiped the tears from my eyes and scooped them up and started spinning around.

"Dada" I heard them both giggle out.

"I love you guys so much." -Izu.

"Honey? What are you doing?" My mum said as she looked at me confused why I was crying and spinning two giggling babies.

"Dada." The both say.

My mum finally realised why I'm so happy at took out her phone and took a picture and sent it to me.

"They said their first words." My mum cooed.

We both stood there crying tears of joy, while the twin continued to giggle.

After a while they fell asleep and I posted the picture of them saying their first words on Instagram with my face blurred out.

Then I recorded and uploaded another song.

After I finished that I spent the rest of the day with my angels playing, holding, feeding, changing, washing and singing to, they were the only thing on my mind.

~Two months later~

The last two months I focused on my music but mainly on my children making sure they are healthy and such, however, I'm going back to school today so let the bullying begin.

I walk into class really tired because last night the twins were a bit fussy, I think they knew I was going to be out the house today, my mums looking after them now.

I sat in my seat and people were confused to see me as I've been gone a years.

I just glare at them and said "yes, I skipped a year. Deal with it."

That shut them up but the were still chatting about how I was allowed to skip a year.

Kacchan walked in and came up to me, people probably thought he was going to have a go at me but he said shocked everyone, including me.

"Hey Izuku you coming to the beach with me and Mr Yagi or are you busy again." -Kat

He called me by my name. What the hell?!?!

"I'm busy this week, I may come on the weekend. But are you aware you just called me by my real name?" -Izu

He started blushing, so I will take that as a no, people thought he was blushing out of anger but I know it was from the fact he loves me and he embarrassed himself infront of me.

He left and sat at his desk and my school year begun. It wasn't as bad as I thought. No beating. No verbal abuse. No one talked to me other than Kacchan every once in a while. It was peaceful and quiet. My safe haven.

Throughout the next 8 months leading up to the entrance exams. I would still do my job on YouTube, hangout with my little gigglers, hang out with the big three, help all night with Kacchan, spend time with family and find spare time to train my body, combat skills and quirks.

It was stressful but I managed.

The twins started talking more calling me dada. My mum and Mitsuki became nana. Dad and Masura became pop pop. Tamaki, Hitoshi and Miri became ooooncle. Neijire became auntie. Mic became coo coo, because he is coo coo.

Nobody else but us know about them, not my teachers or dads co workers no one. Of course I took them to the park and stuff just not ones close to the area because I don't want to lose my chance of becoming a hero because I'm an early parent.

But eventually those times are now behind us and it is the day of the entrance exams. The big three are currently looking after the twins and everyone else is at work and Shinsou is with me also trying to get into UA.

But right now I just have to try my best to get into the school of my dreams.

My, hero academia.

Deku's secrets. (Bakudeku, Mpreg, Singerdeku)Where stories live. Discover now