Chapter 6

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"Move!" Someone yells at the crowd in the busy market.

The civilians make way for the royal soldiers, alarmed.

"Search east!" Their head commands two soldiers, and motions another two to search the opposite direction, while he goes straight.

"What is it now?" One of the civilian asks another. The crowd looks curiously as the royal soldiers pass by.

"I wonder what?" A green eyed boy utters looking down from the balcony of a bar. He knows it'll be a little difficult for the royal soldiers to look for the person at this hour. It's already dark, and the person will flee.

"Aye Bora!" The bar owner, who looks like is in his early 40s, yells striding towards Bora. He snatches the pot Bora's been drinking from and warns, "You are not getting a single drop unless you pay for all your drinks till date."

"SungHo ya~" Bora sings and his faces looks like a child's face stuck on a sturdy male body as his lips form a boxy smile.

The bar owner, SungHo, shakes his head closing his eyes and indicating he will not listen to any excuse Bora has to say today. "I am not going to let you do as you please just by looking at that handsome face of yours again." He mutters, his eyes closed.

Bora lifts his hands to take his drink back but SungHo stands tall raising the pot above his head.

A loud thud is heard and SungHo snaps his head toward the source of the fall.

Bora uses the opportunity to take his drink back, smiling. When Bora realizes SungHo isn't fighting back, he looks up at him, taking a gulp of the drink.

SungHo rushes toward the door and Bora follows. The people in the bar look oblivious of the thud. SungHo curses, "I swear if it's those punks making a scene at my front door again, I will rip their intestines out with my own hands for sure this time."

Bora's face twists as he pictures SungHo tearing people's stomach and ripping out their intestines out with his bare hands.

A bunch of young men used to get drunk at SungHo's bar till a few days ago and go around his bar to make SungHo's customers run away. When later, SungHo did not let them in his bar, they started causing trouble every once in a while.

"SungHo ya~" Bora takes another gulp, "You'll make a good jailer for the prisoners."

SungHo ignores Bora as his eyes fall on the body laying outside the door of his bar. It's face facing the floor.

"Hey," SungHo calls the body, being used to people getting drunk and falling in front of his bar, "This isn't your bed lad." He mutters.

"Hey!" SungHo calls again, slightly irritated, kicking the body lightly, "Move aside already! How many times a day do I have to do this! I am telling you," He faces Bora, "one day I will have to hire someone to just move drunk bodies away and out of my bar."

He sighs and motions Bora to help him move the drunk man aside.

The moment Bora turns the body, both SungHo and Bora jump away from it.

They both look at each other, Bora's face blank.

"What?" SungHo hisses.

"Is this what you are into these days? I knew you were brewing something! I did not mean it literally when I said you will be a good man to torture the criminals at the prison--"

"Aish!" SungHo cuts Bora mid-sentence, "Help me take him inside if you have time to ween of such stupid things!"

"Ah!" Bora snaps his fingers as if realizing something very big, "You are the one the royal soldiers are after!"

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