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CHAPTER SIXTEEN: One Nightmare Ended


While Finneas was holding down the fort in the Hearn family village, Kezia packed some closed and went to the Shelby home and betting shop in Small Heath to be with Tabitha. Of course, Polly and Ada welcomed her into the home and Tabitha was glad to have her mother there. Tabitha finally understood the worries her mother had for her, Penelope and Charity, Tabitha having a child of her own.

Thomas had gone to help finish digging the hole just in time, Arthur and John were planning to blow up the trains that night. Michael was going to go kill the priest, get Maggie, and bring them home safe while Tabitha distracted herself with Polly, Ada, and her mother.

After the confrontation with Alfie, she was emotionally hurt. So was Theo because Alfie was his best friend, the best man at his wedding. Tabitha was angry too and tried to leave with Michael but her mother, Polly, and Ada were able to stop her.

It was late night in the betting shop, just the four women in there alone in silence. Kezia sat down with Tabitha, placing her hand over her daughters as time slowly passed. Polly and Ada were walking around, deep in thought, hoping Michael would come back with the twins, all of them safe. Tabitha just wanted to hold her baby girl, that was the only thing she wanted in the world.

"Michael should be back by now," Tabitha said, beginning to worry, shaking her leg. "He should be back by now with my Maggie. Where is he?"

"They'll be here," Ada said, rubbing Tabitha's shoulder.

"Everything is going to be okay, lovey," Kezia assured with a faint smile. "It's going to be okay."

"I finally understand, mother," Tabitha said, the tears forming in her eyes. "Having a child, I now realize why you were always worried about us when we were growing up."

"Being a mother, Tabby, you want to protect your child from the dangers of this world, to give her a good life," Kezia started. "When I raised you and your sisters, I made sure I raised you to be independent, intelligent women who are able to be whoever they wanted to. To have happy lives and not ones of death and destruction. And to have a child taken from you...breaks every mother's heart."

Kezia's eyes began to water, crying for the daughter she lost the night of the gala. She quickly wiped them away and placed Tabitha's hand in between both of her own.

"I'm so proud of you, Tabby," Kezia said, trying not to cry. "Of the woman and mother you've become."

"Thank you, mama," Tabitha said, softly sobbing as Kezia kissed her hands.

That's when the betting shop door opened and a cry entered the room. Tabitha immediately jumped from her seat as Michael entered the room with Maggie crying in his arms.

Blood covered his face and Tabitha started happily crying, running to her daughter. She took her baby into her arms as Polly, Ada, and Kezia went to her side. Tabitha held Maggie close, sobbing thank God.

"It's okay, my darling. Mummy's got you," Tabitha happily sobbed. "Mummy's here, no one's gonna hurt you now."

Ada immediately telephoned Thomas and held the phone to Tabitha.

"Tommy?" Tabitha asked. "Tommy, she's okay. Our baby's okay."

"Let me speak to her," Thomas said in relief, and Tabitha put Maggie on. "Hello, Maggie. Can you hear me? Yeah, it's ducky." Tabitha could hear the joy in his voice.

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