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Days since John was taken from them and when his funeral was held. Things were quiet, but the family still stuck together and didn't go off alone. Thomas didn't meet Tabitha go anywhere by herself, only if Scudboat and Lovelock were there with her. Thomas and Tabitha's daughter stayed in the Shelby home with her cousins Karl and Billy, away from danger. At all times, in the office and at home, Tabitha carried two guns, one in her coat one around her right leg.

Michael was still in the hospital, recovering from the almost fatal gunshot wound to the stomach. He got injured when John was shot by Changretta's men, but he was getting better. After being bedridden, he was finally able to get up and sit down to have a board meeting in his hospital room. His adoptive mother Mrs Johnson stopped by a little before Thomas and Tabitha got there, giving him apples from her orchard. She was gone when Thomas and Tabitha arrived.

"Hello, Michael," Tabitha said with a faint smile, walking into Michael's hospital room. Thomas took off her coat and then took off his and put them on a coat rack.

"Hey, Tabby," Michael said, him and Tabitha greeted other with kisses on the cheek.

"Michael," Thomas acknowledged, putting his cousin's shoulder as Tabitha sat at the small round table.


Thomas placed an open folder of papers in front of him and his box of cigarettes. All him and Tabitha had to do was wait for Polly, Ada, Lizzie, and Theo. They came several minutes later, their footsteps loud enough to be heard down the hall.

"Sorry I'm late," Polly said, entering the hospital room.

Lizzie and Ada took their seats while Polly out her bag down on Michael's bed. Theo stood behind Lizzie's chair, allowing her to sit in it instead of him.

"Where's Arthur?" Thomas asked, putting out his cigarette and standing up from his chair.

"Do I look like his fucking mother?" Polly asked, taking her gloves and sitting down.

Thomas and Tabitha looked at each other, deciding whether or not to start without Arthur. Tabitha simply shrugged, not caring if they started with or without him.

"Right, before we start this extraordinary general meeting of the board of the Shelby Company Limited, I'd like to not the absence of the Deputy Vice President who has not yet arrived," Thomas started. "We will continue without his presence. Item number one, the reinstatement of the Shelby Company Limited company treasurer. The board welcomes back the former treasurer, with generously improved terms and conditions. Due to the difficult circumstances the company now finds itself in."

Thomas hands Polly a paper for her to sign.

"The proposed treasurer will now check the terms and conditions to see if they are in order."

"Item number two, during the absence of the company accountant due to ill health, all responsibility for keeping company of all accounts pass to the head of acquisitions," Tabitha said as Thomas handed Michael some papers. Then Michael handed those papers to Ada for her to sign.

"Item number three," Thomas started as Polly started signing her papers. "The company treasurer, having read the terms and condition, lodges a signed contract of employment agreeing to the terms and conditions with the temporary head of accounts." Polly then handed Thomas the papers back. "All in favor of the reinstatement of Mrs Elizabeth Gray, to the position of Shelby Company Limited Treasurer, please raise your hands."

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