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It was a dull Saturday. You woke up around 9 am and kicked around the bed not wanting to get up. You had nothing to do and you puffed your cheeks. It was going to be a long, boring weekend. You got off the bed and lazily jiggled your feet to the attached bathroom. You took a shower and did your morning routine. You came out of the bathroom and hummed as you tried to pick your dress for the day. The weather was fine so you thought you would need some light clothes. You went through your wardrobe a few times finally settling for a black tee and black ripped jeans. You came downstairs and made yourself breakfast. Normally you ate porridge but as today you had more time so you started making blueberry pancakes and hummed along the way. You surely were in a good mood today.

As soon as you finished your breakfast, you washed the dishes, cleaned the counter, and decided to visit the supermarket to buy some random things. You went back upstairs, applied a little makeup, let your hair loose on your shoulders and wore a black cap. You checked yourself in the mirror and thought you looked cool dressed in black from head to toe. You took your car keys, locked the apartment and drove to the market area. After shopping for a few hours you decided to have a light lunch. It was already 1 pm and you were feeling hungry so you pulled by a small cafe and went inside, ordered a sandwich and a cup of latte and waited for your order to be delivered to your table.

As you sat there waiting, you thought about all the things you bought today which you didn't need. You sighed as you realised how much money you spent on unnecessary items. You took out your phone and scrolled through your Instagram feed trying to take your mind off of the disappointment you are. Your food arrived so you focused on eating. Suddenly your phone started ringing. You checked the caller ID and nearly choked on your sandwich. Your boss was calling. He never called you on weekends. You thought it might be an emergency so you picked up and secretly wished he wouldn't call you to the office and ruin your plans of watching movies in the afternoon. "Hello!" you said.

"Hey, Y/N? How are you? Free right now?" your boss asked in one go.

"Yes sir! Is there something wrong?" you asked with a concern in your voice.

"The chauffeur is going to pick you up from your apartment in half an hour. Be ready. And oh, wear something casual" your boss instructed and cut the call. You looked at your phone weirdly and then quickly finished the lunch. You paid and drove back home. You still had 15 minutes left so you decided to fix your makeup. Soon the driver arrived and you head towards your boss's detached house. When you arrived at your destination, a maid welcomed you and scooted you towards your boss's office at home. You knocked and entered the office as you got permission from inside. Your boss was a jolly, kind, elderly man. His face instantly lit up when he saw you and he smiled.

"Y/N! Thank you for coming. Sorry for bothering you on the weekend but I need a favour from you" he said without even asking you to sit down. You just stared at him and thought about the movies you were supposed to watch.

"Actually, my only son came back from Japan to spend a week with me. He doesn't have any friends here so I thought you two might become friends. Please show him around Seoul" your boss requested.

"But Sir, why me?" you inquired.

"I couldn't think of anyone else as your personalities match. Besides, it's only a week. And did I mention that I am giving you holidays for the whole week?" Your boss smiled and so did you. "Hurray!" You jumped and shouted but suddenly remembered where you were and went pale.

"I know you are all excited. Now go! The maid will guide you to my son. He is expecting you" he said while pointed towards the door. You silently left the office and followed the maid. She took you to where your boss's son was while you kept on observing your surroundings. The maid stopped and only then you realised where you were. The maid left and you went inside. It was an orangery filled with flowers perfectly kept with the freshly mewed lawn visible through the glass walls. There was a 5 seater with a table as well. Inside stood a man with his back towards you, facing the glass window and softly gazing outside. You cleared your throat on which the man turned around. His pretty shoulder-cut brown hair had been tied in a small ponytail and his honeylike skin glowed in the sunlight reflected through the glass. He looked intimidating until he smiled. It was the warmest smile you had ever seen, the smile that the father and son shared.

"Hello! Please take a seat" he said warmly welcoming you. You both took a seat and he continued, "I am Nakamoto Yuta but you can simply call me Yuta. Nice to meet you."

"I am Y/N. Nice to meet you too" you replied with the same enthusiasm as him.

"So you were sent here by my father, I see. I asked him to arrange a guide for me but he refused and said that he had a perfect person in his mind. Sorry to bother you" he felt guilty.

"No no, it is totally fine. I would like to show you around" you tried to hide the excitement of the whole week full of fun and no work and tried to sound professional.

Yuta smiled and mumbled a thankyou. The maid brought in tea and placed it on the table. The aroma of freshly made exotic tea filled the room mixing with the fragrance of flowers around you. You looked at Yuta and thought that he belonged to such a place, tender and elegant just like the flowers. Snapping out of your thoughts you asked him, " Is it your first time visiting Seoul?"

He took a sip of his tea and smiled, "No, I have been here once in my childhood. Usually father comes to Japan during our holidays and we spend the family-time there. He couldn't visit us this time so mother suggested that I should come here and spend time with my father. She stayed back and I came for a week."

You listened intently and wondered how he was able to speak perfect Korean without growing here so you took a sip and asked, "May I ask how you are able to speak Korean fluently? I mean you have been raised in Japan so..."

He chucked and said, "My father has been very loving and caring when it comes to our family. He personally taught me Korean and thought that it will help me when I will join our business."

"He has been very caring towards his employees as well which is why we love to work for him" you praised your boss, Mr. Nakamoto.

"I am glad that you all feel secure working under him. It makes me proud" Yuta said. "So when can we start our tour?" He asked with bright, shinning eyes.

"First thing tomorrow" you blurted out but realised what you just said so you tried to conceal your excitement. "I mean after washing my face, brushing my teeth, eating my breakf..."

Yuta laughed wholeheartedly and shook his head. You looked at him and smiled. "Thank you for agreeing to help me" he offered his gratitude.

"Only if you will pay for the lunch tomorrow" you said as you stood up to leave for home. Yuta smiled and agreed. "The chauffeur will pick you up tomorrow. Please drop me your number as my father is a very busy man. I don't want to bother him to call you all the time" Yuta suggested.

You wrote your number for him in his phone and walked with him while he was seeing you off. He brought you to the porch and instructed the chauffeur to take you home. You both wished each other goodbyes promising to meet again tomorrow. You sat in the car. While the chauffeur drove you home, your head started filling with anticipation and you looked forward to tomorrow with excitement.


Please guys, help me pick members. It is very hard to decide which member to write about next. Also, please don't forget to vote or comment. Requests are open. Thank you for reading and appreciating. I love you guys. ❤️

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