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"But I am done with apple picking now.
Essence of winter sleep is on the night,
The scent of apples: I am drowsing off..."

You heard him sing his favourite poem as you approached near. You saw him high up in the tree, climbed up through a stepladder, picking apples. You mused over his attire, basket in hand, drenched in sweat in his brown overall, focused on the task at hand. You loved to watch him work. You loved how he adored his work, his orchard, his apple trees. Even though you told him to leave it to the workers, you eventually stopped when you realised his passion.

Lee Taeyong, your husband, loved country life. You two owned a luxurious two-story mansion, quite well-kept, with a vast farmland on the outskirts of town. You both loved to rear animals, bake goods, and engage in other farm activities.

It was a fine Autumn eve and it was time of the harvest. The apples were ripe, crispy and perfectly round in shape. The workers had already started picking them and every now and then your husband, Taeyong, would join them and pick apples. You would make sandwiches for him and you two would enjoy your little supper together. Today was just another regular day. You baked a chocolate cake, an apple pie, made sandwiches and lemonade. You cleaned after yourself, packed the lunch in a picnic basket and strolled through the orchard towards Taeyong.

As you gradually approached near, you could hear him sing and hum. He was absorbed so deep in picking apples that he did not notice you coming. You smiled and stood there watching him intently with a loving gaze. "Taeyong!" you called after a while. He didn't hear and kept on humming amd enjoying himself. You cleared your throat and shouted on top of your lungs, "Lee Taeyong!"

Taeyong stopped and turned around a bit carefully as to avoid falling. His gaze softened when his eyes landed on you. He smiled and started to climb down. He cautiously kept the basket full of apples on the ground and ran towards you. He took you in a tight embrace and didn't want to let go. You pulled his hair a bit playfully and said through a grin, "Are you going to crush my bones and find a new wife?"

"No way! I can't believe you wouldn't trust..." He let go of you abruptly and blurted out with his eyes wide but eventually realised your joke and smiled. "You almost got me there, Y/N." He, then noticed the basket in your hand and started jumping happily while clapping his hands. " Food! Food!" he said and took the basket from you. He opened it and his eyes lit up at the sight of his favourite food. He took out a sheet from the basket and started setting the items on the ground. When he finished, you two sat down.

"How was your day, Tae?" you asked him. "It was good. I picked a lot of apples. Hopefully, the harvest will bring in a lot of money." he answered. "Do you want to taste one?" he asked you.

"Yes but I am afraid I won't be able to eat after that" you pointed out. "Aha! Leave all the food to me then, Love" he joked around. You couldn't help but smile at him. "Oh and guess what! I am thinking of increasing the pay for the workers. They always work very hard" he continued. You agreed to his suggestion and gave him the green light.

You two ate peacefully and Taeyong kept on praising you for the awesome food you made. You smiled at him and gazed upon him thinking how blessed you were to have him. After you two finished, you kept the used dishes back in the basket. Taeyong lied down with his head in your lap.

"You know what, Y/N? I missed you a lot today" he said while staring up in your eyes. You laughed and said, "I missed you too, My Tae". He locked his fingers with yours, smiled and started singing.

"For I have had too much
Of apple-picking: I am overtired
Of the great harvest I myself desired.
There were ten thousand thousand fruit to touch,
Cherish in hand, lift down, and not let fall."
You knew how much he loved this poem and how he would always sing or hum when he would pick apples. He had made his own tune and would absentmindedly sing it out loud. Even you knew this poem by heart now. You two watched the sun gradually going down, one hand locked with his while the other running through his hair. The setting sun made his face shine and you saw contentment on his face. You kept on looking at him softly when Taeyong turned his face towards you and noticing you staring at him, he chuckled. He brought your hand to his lips and kissed it.

"Let's go back home now. I am done with work for today and I want to help you in the kitchen too." he said. You nodded in response. Taeyong got up and helped you up as well. He folded the sheet, placed it back and collected both baskets. You offered to help but he refused. You let him go away with it and you both trotted towards your home chasing each other. Oh it was a fine Autumn eve brimming with happiness and love.


In case you were wondering, the lines used in this piece are from a poem "After Apple-Picking" by Robert Frost. I like this poem a lot so I just wanted to use it as an inspiration. Please vote if you like my stories/one shots and comment. It will be much appreciated. Also, thank you for 800 reads.

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