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They say all red flags look like normal flags when your wearing rose colored glasses. I guess that's how I see my dad but now the glasses are coming off and I'm seeing how he is.

When I was younger he was much nicer, he and ma had stable jobs and were together. When he lost his job mom left and he took up drinking to "cope", he also coped by insulting me, yelling at me for minor things and having me work real hard for the family job. I can't really complain about the last thing though, I love being a mechanic. It gives me the control that I need in my life and my dad leaves me alone when I work on cars. I mean I got the best opportunity of my life from this I get to go to hopes peak!

(A/N: this story is going to be all over the place, because it's actually based of my life and unlike a story real life likes to fuck things up and spin you around. But in the end I hope all things will come back together)

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