Obviously my grandparents have a huge story, but no one believes it. High school is the easiest place to get a reputation you do one thing and well it kinda screws the rest of your experience. Guess what, my experience was screwed before I was even born. I mean after the incident with my grandparents they were thought after as crazy, they used to be popular and then they were laughed at. So, as you can imagine I was still made fun of for it even 36 years later. Crazy part is their is still at least 10 to 15 kidnappings and murders each year and yet they still don't believe me. My name is Elizabeth, everyone calls me Beth and if you know me at school then it's Beth the monster hunter. According to my family I will be a monster hunter when I turn 17 this August 13.
Once I got home their was almost a heaviness in the room like a blanket had taken the oxygen out of the room, like no one could breath. My grandma Sadie hugged me and she said "To go into the other room and listen to the story that grandpa was telling." I went willingly without asking questions I sat down and he looked at me as if he was waiting for a very long time for me. He began soft and slow and it was almost poetic, but breathtaking and scary.
"That night as you all know was one of loss and morning, we were the only survivors for some unknown reason and neither of us ever understood that." My grandma came in with my dad and they sat down to listen as well, but they seemed to have heard this story numerous times. " Your grandma Sadie had just realized that the monster that killed all of our dearest friends was of a supernatural kind that had been seen before, but rarely. They were evil savage creatures that had no mercy to those they meet. As we attempted calling the police and finding where we parked one of them came up and grabbed me by the neck, with no attention of letting go. Your grand mother was still arguing with the police, they thought we were stupid teenagers who were having a laugh. When she turned around though she hung up, the goblin grinned and it's pointy teeth showed through. " I will slit his... umm..throat." He began hard and ended slow a silkie appeared and said " Oh please brother as if you could go that far, hand him over to me." Your grandmother jumped at the silkie as I crossed over, but the goblin grabbed her and the silkie gave one single glare before speaking " You will regret that one missy." He almost looked human just more agile and sparkly if anything he would just be a model or wearing makeup, but when his mouth widened and his teeth protruded he looked gruesome like something that would step out of the dark. He slowly pulled down my shirt and whispered "Sorry, but you shouldn't have done that." He then sank his teeth in ripping every muscle that could have been in my shoulder. He throw me to ground and walked over to your grandmother and grabbed her face he wiped the blood from me onto his finger and smearing it on her face he held on and said
" Forget this ever happened or I will wipe out your future family for generations." He looked greedily and hungrily at her, but threw her to me. They ran off ripping trees from their roots and creating more of a mess. Your grandmother carried me back to the truck and drove me to a hospital, they said I would never recover fully and they planned on catching the 'cougar' that ripped into me. Worst part being they caught a cougar , but it was not the true culprit. At first people believed it wasn't a cougar because of the size of the bite and the fact that it left me be, but the police came and 'cleared' everything up. Ever sense we have been hunting these creatures, planning on getting rid of them all, but it's hard and that's why we plan on... well Beth you are going to have to have children and get married to another hunter.
I must have been ghostly white and appalling because my mom came over and patted my back it didn't help. I couldn't believe I had to get married!!!