The Diary of Kristen Alice Evans (6)

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Chase said the three magic words! I said them back of course but this is just the best day ever! We spent the whole night together, during the day I was talking to Ginger. I know, I know I'm meant to hate her and all that but it seems being in Australia and her 'small' rejection made her realise she's not all that and I'm not as weird as she thinks. I mean she's still a bitch but she's getting there. I then went into the town for a bit and brought a few things (OK so I got loads but oh well!) I then explored the woods a bit more I even found a place with an amazing view of the lake and you can see all the flowers I made blossom from it :D

Then tonight started rather badly, I planned to meet Chase at 10PM by the front entrance and I accidently bumped into the Dean (oops!) he just asked what I was doing I simply said 'night time walk' he just told me to be careful and said something about seeing & hearing a few of wolves in the woods so I should just watch out for them etc etc.

Then Chase and I actually saw one! But it was pretty awesome, I mean yeah it was this 'big bad wolf' or whatever but I wasn't scared or anything. I just reminded myself that it's more scared of me than I am of it oh and I had a ball of fire in my hands (to see ovbo) and Chase was really adorable and put his arm around me to protect me ^-^ it was just like 'awww' even though I could easily protect myself it was pretty sweet and just gushy. The wolf looked strange it was like I knew the wolf :S but of course I don't actually know them I mean it just a wolf right? But it was a very pretty wolf with pure white fur and amzing yellow eyes and it looked simply amazing, but seemed shocked to see us. OK I get the woods is like its territory or whatever but it can't be the first time its seen humans right? It dashed off before we got a proper look at it though which was kinda depressing really.

We then arrived at the spot that I found earlier and I found that you can jump into the lake from it without getting hurt or anything! Then I climbed back up it :) Chase done the same as well and we made sure we were careful about it and checked the next ledge was safe and dry before grabbing onto it. Then when we got up to the top I dried us of with hot air and then we lay on the grassy bit with my head on Chase's chest and him gently stroking my hair (like they do in the movies) and I started looking at the stars and we made up constellations I found one that looked like a heart and Chase found a big bright star and said it's mine ^-^ so I made a flower (like the other ones) and gave it to him saying 'it's not a star but it's still yours and that's what make it special' then he was like 'I love you' and my heart leapt and my stomach fluttered and it felt like nothing was wrong anymore and I obviously said 'I love you too' and it felt true and well we kissed and I felt like I was flying or something. It was just amazing. I can't think of any other words to describe it.

We've been dating for three days which is officially the longest relationship I've ever been in. I had a boyfriend ages ago but that was in year 7 and we never done anything I felt nothing then th school found out about my fire burning stuff and he started calling me a freak etc so I presumed it was over, that one only lasted 2 days that was also my first boyfriend. So I've never been lucky, but now I'm here at Wattpad High everything seems right and nothing can go wrong.

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