Cousins are useless, annoying, bitchy, selfish, whores. Or at least mine is. She was online earlier(it's now very early in the morning) and we were arguing then she brought up webcam and started heavily making out with her boyfriend, I just turned away then she was all like 'let me see Chase, I wanna see how hot he is. Blah blah blah' When I refused she started arguing etc. Thankfully, Anna was there. She told her how was 'out and wouldn't be back till 5-ish but in the English time-zone i would be like midnight.' Then my laptop "messed up" (I shut it down) so we had to stop talking.
Wow! I just found out that secret that Anna, Daniel & Jasper were hiding, they're vampires! That's really awesome! I told my secret first, then they told me theirs, it was really cool. Now it's last lesson before Lunch, I wanna eat so bye.
Awwww ^-^ Anna loves Zane! So cute! I only found out 'cause Jasper Daniel were being assholes over us two being 'spaced out' - Translation: Anna staring at Zane & me staring at Chase - so we just finished our food then walked outside to the front courtyard and started talking. She then told me about how she really likes Zane and thinks she might love him (awwww) then I told her about how I really like Chase. I think I might also love him! ^-^ But I shan't tell him '^' <- stubborn face. Attempt. But... what if he loves me? Well I don't know I shall tell him then, I'm likeley to tell him then anyway. But this morning we had a 'moment' or whatever it's called. 'Cause the post came today, and I got my straightners (yay) but the woman at the desk also gave me Chase's post. I presume accidentally, so I took it to his room 'cause he's right next door and I knocked but it took ages to be answered. So leant against it face forwards and as he opened the door I fell over and on top of him... just as his room mate walked out of their bathroom.... I believe he said something along the lines of 'get another room or warn me next time' I blushed, gave Chase his post and then ran straight to my room and I've avoided Chase all day. Sometimes I wish I was normal and knew how to handle things like this.... I might ask Mia, Peace or Anna about what to do. I miss talking to him.
Anna thinks I should talk to him! What do I say? We've said 'hi' and now I'm sat here in Study Hall, listening to Taylor Swift today but why is it evry time I listen to music near Chase it seems to fit perfectly? Right now 'Hey Stephen' is on. I'm quietly singing along to it changing 'Stephen' to 'Chase' I think he can hear me as well.
Parents, Aunt & Cousin came down to the school they're moving to Australia I'm gonna move in with my dad and stay in Wattpad High.
I'm in love! Also as a result of kissing Chase I made a whole load of flowers grow ^-^ we're actually going out now! It was amazing!
Ginger got rejected! By Chase! It was hilarious!
Now I'm gonna out with Chase, Anna, Zane, Dainiel, Kate, Ryan & Daron. This is gonna be fun! :D
Tonight was amazing & fun. Thats all night Diary (:
Fire & Water (Hiatus)
Genç KurguDiary of both my Wattpad High characters check out Wattpad High @