Episode 23 - Snow kiss

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Mayumi did not dare to turn around and her heart was beating furiously.

"Mayumi, can I talk with you for a second?" Someone familiar asked.

As soon as she heard that voice, she felt relieved and spun around and asked,"What is it?"

"Do you have anything to do this weekend?" L.Joe asked.

"...I have work this weekend," Mayumi told him.

"You end by 9 right? I'll pick you up by 9 then," L.Joe gave his charming smile before walking off.

She stood them dumbfounded and decided to say something but no words are coming out. She then turned to the front and walked home with cautious. Back at home, Keita was accompanying her with study. Myumi noticed Keita just watched her with a smile.

"Keita, why are you staring at me?" She asked while doing her work.

"I like to watch noona doing your work. Noona looks even more prettier when focusing on your work," Keita complimented.

"Don't you have any schoolwork to do?" She asked but broke into a smile upon hearing the compliment.

"I'm done with my schoolwork. Noona, can I date you?" Keita asked a sudden question.

Mayumi who was drinking water, suddenly gave a spurt upon hearing that. She turned to him and asked,"You...asking me out..? But I'm way older than you..Besides you need to have a girlfriend of your age."

"No one can be compared to noona. Noona yeopo, smart, kind & good in cooking," Keita list down the good traits.

"But Keita ah, i bet someone in your class will have a secret crush on you. You're not bad yourself. Smart & quite handsome," She complimented him back.

"So...L.Joe hyung and Changjo hyung like noona?" Keita changed subject.

"Obseo..They are not interested in me," Mayumi denied.

"Really? But I think L.Joe hyung likes noona more. L.Joe hyung kept visiting this house to see you for the past few weeks except when he was admitted to hospital...," Keita said.

Just then, grandma called for her. Both Mayumi and Keita walked to the front door and she was surprised to see whose at the door.

"And noona said he's not interested in noona," Keita glared at her which made her gave him a light slap on his arm.

"Am I disturbing you?" L.Joe asked.

"Uh..no..but what are you doing here?" She looked at him with confusion.

"Shouldn't you invite me inside first?" L.Joe asked with a wide smile.

"Aigooo...Yumi ah...let him inside..It's freezing cold outside," Grandma ushered him inside and brought a hot tea.

While grandma is busy with something else in her room, both she and Keita sat in front of L.Joe. Keita noticed L.Joe kept looking at you and whispered to her ear,"Noona, I told you that L.Joe hyung likes noona!"

She widened her eyes and gave him a light slap again on his arm again and shushed him. L.Joe seemed curious and asked,"What are you guys whispering about?"

"Hey, you haven't answer my question on why are you here," She changed topic.

"Hmmm...why am I here..? That's a tough question which I did not why too," L.Joe asked himself.

"Is hyung here because hyung miss noona?" Keita folded his arms across.

"Keita!" She suddenly panic upon his reply.

L.Joe started to laugh at her red face. She became slightly embarrassed and quickly stood up to go the balcony to calm down. Meanwhile L,Joe watched her walking off quickly and turned to Keita while saying,"You really made her embarrassed and how do you know that I miss her?"

"Can tell by hyung's expression. It's so obvious! Gosh! Why is noona so popular..?" Keita felt jealous.

"You like Mayumi too?" L.Joe asked.

"D-U-H! Noona's like my first love," Keita confessed.

"Yah~that's not right..tsk..tsk...," L.Joe tsked.

"Wae? Is it because I'm younger?!" Keita glared at him.

"You should minus off the -er. You're way too young! How could she like you as a man. I think she only looks you as her dongsaeng," L.Joe explained.

"I'm MANLY enough to like her! ...I....I have...a mustache..!" He stammered.

"Really?" L.Joe looked at his moustache closely and laughed and said,"You barely have it!"

Keita grew red in embarrassment and touched his "moustache" and got up.

"Yah, where are you going?" L.Joe looked up.

"To learn to be a manly man for noona," Keita stuck out his tongue ad left for his room.

L.Joe laughed and glanced over at the balcony. He walked over and stood beside her.

"Still embarrassed?" L.Joe asked.

"...No..I'm not embarrassed..!" Mayumi stuttered.

"Really?" L.Joe moved closed to her and gave her a peck on her red cheeks.

Upon receiving that, she quickly pulled away and looked at him while saying,"W..Why did you do that for?!"

"To confirm your feelings for me..," L.Joe grinned.

L.Joe moved closer to her again but she kept distancing herself. L.Joe then pulled her arm and she was pulled towards him. She looked left and right to see if Keita or grandma will be walking to their direction.

"W..What are you doing?! We shouldn't do this here!" She panicked.

"...So you suggest we do it...in your room..?" L.Joe joked.

"Bwoh?! Are you insane?!" She tried to struggle but he was firm with his grip.

Without warning, L.Joe hugged her which made her confused.

"Can we stay like this for 5 mins?" L.Joe asked for a favor.

She did not respond but accepted his little favor. After 5 minutes, he pulled away first and looked to the window of the balcony while thanking her. She saw his changed expression and asked,"Is something wrong?"

He was about to answer her question when snow came falling down. He pointed it out and smiled widely,"It's snowing!"

She turned to the window and was stunned to see the snow. As she was admiring the white snow, she heard him said,"My first snow with my special someone.."

Upon hearing that, she turned to him and he turned to her too. They looked into each other's eyes which made L.Joe leaned closer to her. His lips touched hers which made her eyes widened in shock. She was about to pull it away when L.Joe had his arms wrapped around her waist. However, the kiss was soft and gentle which led her to slowly closed her eyes and they continued to kiss.

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