20) a crush ?

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Reneseme's Pov.

I just got up an hour ago. My hair is still wet from the shower I took. I'm in grey sweatpants and a white fitted tank top. I don't care about changing into jeans, or a nicer outfit. I'm not going anywhere, am I?

It's 8am and Anna just left to go take a shower. Leaving me alone on the couch. I was simply scrolling through my phone on twitter.

"Still plotting a plan?" Daniel says sitting down next to me

"If that's what you want to hear" I say continuing to scroll through twitter.

"Where's Anna?"


"Then why aren't you in your room?" He asks

I look up from my phone and turn it off. "It got boring? I don't know. Why aren't you in yours?"

He simply shrugs and goes on his phone opening Instagram after flipping it.

"twitters better" I mumble

"sure" he speaks. Does that mean he agrees? Or was that sarcasm? Wait, why do I even care? I don't.
I don't care.

Instead I simply scoot over closer to him, looking at his phone and he lets out a chuckle before I slowly rest my head on his shoulder.

"What's your Instagram?" He speaks after scrolling

I gently take his phone and type it up and press on my profile "there" I mumble softly

"Woah, these are really good!" He says surprised evident in his voice

"It would be an insult if they weren't" I laugh "I'm a photographer after all"

"Oh right" he lets out a soft giggle before continuing to scroll down "Anna" he smiles clicking on it.

"Yeah, she's your sister if you didn't know" I laugh

"Of course I know, wasn't this in February? How many events did you do after?" He questions

I shrug "a lot" I sigh "I wanted to take advantage of the time I had here" I pause "now since I'm stuck here. I wish I got to do more events and spent quarantine editing everyone's photos before sending them"

"Editing them? Like photoshop?" He asks exiting instagram and opening twitter

"No not photoshop! But like changing filters and making them more clear if needed. I also take the ones that are actually good and I send them those" I explain taking his phone which he handed to me

"Your twitter?"

"Oh right" I type in my username and give him back his phone "there" I watch as he follows me, turns his phone off, then flips it before speaking

"You ever gonna get me back? Or can I celebrate now?" He laughs

"Don't worry about it" I smile lifting up my head "I'll get you back" I pat his shoulder playfully and stand up to go upstairs.

"Mask" // D.S.Where stories live. Discover now