Chapter 5

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I walked around Whitelgen for a while just trying to take in everything to town had to offer, the well trodden paths that covered the streets were much more tidy than the cobbled streets of the capital city, the way neighbours would sit on their doorsteps and chat really showed how peaceful and calm this town was.

I knew the labyrinth like streets and alleyways of Keryn like the veins on my hand, this place is much easier to figure out but due to the size it, there really isn't any alleyways and there's not a place to hide if the guards did come after me.

I can see myself settling down here if I get the chance, this town is pretty beautiful.

There was still a clear discomfort in the air, Shean the missing girl was still on everyones mind, you could see it in faces of the passers by, they wanted the girl saved.

I'll get back to her as soon as I can, I'm hoping doing this job leads to some other clues.

The town really didn't have much to it, there was a collection of a small to medium sized houses to the north west of town, to the north east a large windmill stood with a small bit of farm land that grew crops enough for the people in Whitelglen, the south west is where The Pickled Hat is found with the guards barracks just below.

The south east of town is where the town really came to life, the full market of about twenty or so stalls spread around a central water well that people traveled to and from throughout the day, the market sold many local goods the could be harvested around the nearby woodlands and occasionally travelling merchants would stop off in town on the way up to the northern capital Darkridge and drop off rarer and more exotic goods, this area was truly the heart of Whiteglen, the people living here came to the well for water and to find out the new town rumours, they bought and sold their goods and held every festival or party right here at the market place.

I look forward to a festival in this lovely town, the entertainment probably won't be that good, from what I hear the majority of bards that are worth their strings never leave Keryn.

The calming walk had me feeling relatively at peace, I sat watching a group of women collect water from the well as memory played in my mind, a memory that had passed my thoughts many times before, the blood, the groans, his handsome face... broken beyond recognition and Hecktor stood over him and that peacefulness was broken.

The last words that I heard Hecktor say echoed through my mind.

"I'll find your little friend and do the same to him."

Sweat began to gather on my forehead and I felt my form starting to change back to its original, I shook my head to force myself to snapped out of this panic, put those thought to the back of brain and locked them away, no one was looking at me but I still feel more nervous than I did before.

Gotta keep this face up, come on, I've had his face for ages now, just... calm... breath.

Maybe a hot drink will calm my nerves.

I went over to a stall nearby selling hot wine, the woman behind the stall had large blood red horns and she had a soft pretty light red face, her eyes, the white, the iris, and pupil were all honey yellow and the wine was almost the same colour as her lips, I payed the two gold for the drink with some of the gold I had stole from Percy.

I'm sure he won't miss the gold, that woman sure was beautiful, I don't think I've ever seen a demon blood before but they're as gorgeous as the stories say.

With my hot drink in hand I began walking around trying to find the stall selling jewellery with the gnomish woman, I decided I wanted to check her out before I brought any of the stolen goods to her.

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