Chapter 18

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The morning was cold and the air felt damp, I could already tell that today would be terrible and it didn't give me good hopes for my travels north.

I went to the window to see a heavy blizzard, I could barely see the town walls with how thick the snow was falling.

I guess travelling is gonna be a rough time.

I got dressed in my armour, put my belt on and packed up my belongings into my bag then I walked downstairs with Kaibear at my side ready to be greeted by Dagna.

"Ready for tonight princess?"

"My names Hahlud for the last time."

There was no one at all in the bar except for Dagna, Old George and a tall elven woman.

She had long black hair like Percys but it was tied up into tight braids, she had a strong angular face and and perfectly pale skin, her eyes were the same sort of brown that would be found in an average forest and she had dark armour on with a longbow across her back.

"This is your team princess, meet Old George and this is Key."

Old George adjusted his thick glasses and and looked me up and down.

"He seems good enough, a bit short though."

Coming from an old man who was barely 5 foot tall...

"I've got plenty travel experience and I can hold my own in a fight, my height has nothing to do with it."

Key put her hand out, the expression on her face didn't move an inch, I couldn't read this girl at all, she looked at me completely emotionless and spoke in the softest most well spoken voice.

"It's nice to meet you, I'll be the ranger accompanying the cart."

I took her hand in my own and shook it gently, she was beautiful but I felt a little more confident around girls since that journey with Keema.

"It's nice to meet you too, I'm Hahlud and I'm better with close range combat so it'll be nice to have someone covering me from a distance."

"I would like to take this time to say that I would like neither of you to sleep near me when we stop and I would appreciate it if neither of your attempted to communicate with me."


Old George let out a burst of a laughter.

"HA! That's a woman, don't make em like that anymore do they."

I didn't really know how to respond to the girl but I gave a nod so she understand that I had heard her loud and clear, she sat back down and stared into her drink, she looked as though she'd rather be anywhere else but here.

Dagna got the attention of the room with a cloud clap of her hands and then she slammed a drink on the bar and slid it over to me.

"Right you lot, here's the deal, keep the barrels dry, make sure you keep them away from fire, if they do catch on fire run for the astral tunnels, you don't wanna be near that stuff when I goes bang, you'll get paid at the drop off point."

As the other two had fell silent I thought I'd chime in.

"Who are we delivering too?"

"A bar called the Pig Skull, it's owned by some bard called Sterling, he's pretty full of himself but he's a good customer, try not to listen to him he could talk his way onto a throne if he wanted to."

"Sounds easy enough."

"Glad you think so princess, now get your stuff together you're leaving now, there's too much snow and if we leave it any later you won't be able to leave town ontime."

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