Chapter 3 - Masked people

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I shiver as the breeze of wind touches my skin.

Curious, I look at my watch, and it shows six forty-eight in the morning. It's too early. No wonder why it's freezing out here in the woods.

The sun is about to rise, and the sunlight is peeking through the tree branches — lighting my cheeks and giving me some warmth.

Crap, my throat is all dried up.

I drank some cold water and looked around. Luckily, there were no movements nor any signs of infected.

After securing the perimeter, I grabbed my backpack, stretched my arms, and went on my way.

Unfortunately, bandits attacked me three days ago, resulting in the loss of the car I got from the gas station.

I still can't believe that Jake's gone. His death still haunts me every time I sleep. I guess that explains my eye bags.

After a couple minutes of walking, I reached the end of the woods and found a road leading straight to a town.

"Alright, how much stuff do I have?"

I crouched and checked inside my newly found backpack. Two plastic bread bags and a single bottle of water.

These supplies won't be enough. I need to find food in that town or I'll starve to death.

Who am I kidding? I'm dying anyway...

I stayed on the side of the road, hidden behind the trees until I reached the entrance to the town. Then, I saw a cloud of smoke coming from a burning car on the other side of the street. I looked around, but I don't see anybody.

That car is going to blow up any second, or did it already blew up?

I shook my head and focused my attention on a convenience store just a block away. I had no other choice but to risk it.

"Just a little more."

The area ahead is clear, so I ran straight at it. Suddenly, an infected appeared behind the large van just in front.

Talk about wrong timing.

His right arm is missing. The smell of rotten flesh mixed in the air is making my stomach turn upside down as well.

I stepped back to get some distance. Unfortunately, I bumped against a trash can, causing me to lose my balance.

"Ah, great."

Now I have his attention.

Slowly, he made his way toward me. I got back up and then prepared my trusty knife.

"Here goes nothing..."

I kicked his right leg, hindering his movements, and then followed with a single stab on his forehead.

"Oh God, it stinks."

No matter how long you survive in this screwed up world, you'll never get used to the smell of a decomposing body. It's just too awful.

After a minute or two, I finally reached the establishment. I grabbed the handle and slowly opened the double glass swing door.

Impatience is getting on my nerves. I should've thrown a rock inside so I would know if there's any infected lurking in the corners of this store, but I stupidly chose not to.

Confident, I went in with a flashlight in my left hand and a knife in my right.

"Food, food..." I mumble as I walk straight to the food section.

It's dark. Electricity stopped working a few months ago, so exploring establishments like this is making my anxiety hit the very top. The thoughts of something jumping at you from behind turns your legs into jelly. I hate it.

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