ᴀᴛ ʜɪs ᴍᴇʀᴄʏ

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your pov ·.

My eyes open up to a place I thought I would never be in. Beside me is a rough dark wall with markings covered all over it. Ahead of me is rusty iron bars, and what I'm on is a really really, really hard bed.

I sat up and my back, I swear it broke in half. It took me a minute to process what happened before I fainted. I was really disappointed in myself.

To release all of my emotions, I pace this small little jail cell in a circle for a while. Apparently, I wasn't alone in this room.

"Can you stop that?"

I look around to see who ordered me to stop, ahead of me lies a man who looks like he's been through hell and back. He had dark brown hair, golden eyes, and even long legs. He had a burgundy sweater and bright red jeans which were quiet clean.

But what stood out the most was that his body was covered in bandages.

"A-are you talking to me?"

"Uhm, yeah? No one else is here except you and I." He states.

"Geez, the attitude. Who are you?"

"You're kidding. You don't know me?"

"No? I know you're a criminal but..."

"What the hell? I thought I'd be a celebrity by now."

"Why is that exactly? This town is smaller than a crumb. It's barely visible on a map."

"Well, for your information, I'm a serial killer."

Oh, I'm making a conversation with a serial killer, eh? What an accomplishment. Wait...

"Could you be, Issac Foster?"

"Yep. Just call me Zack. I find my first name disgusting."

"I see..." I stare at him intensely, until I saw something that made me extremely happy.

"Well, Zack. What if I told you, you and I can escape this hell hole?"

"I'd say you're lying with that small brain of yours."

"Just, pass me the sharp rock under your bed."

"Okay boss."

"Excuse me?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Whatever," he throws it just enough for me to reach it out of my jail cell, "happy?"

"Yes." I pick up the rock and continue my plan to get out of this confined cell.

I look around for the lock and once I felt it, I continuously smashed the lock with the sharp rock in my hand. When I get out of this jail cell, I'm going to suggest getting brand new locks.

I step out of the jail cell and walk towards Zack in his jail cell. Do I really want to help a serial killer? Well, I did my share of bad deeds in the past.

"What? Are you debating to help the man who helped you get out of the cell?"

I give him a skeptical look. He sighs and says, "I promised the people I killed that I won't kill you."

"Hmm... alright serial killer." I break the lock. Stepping back, Zack slams the iron bar door open, making the sleeping police guard wake up.

"Fuck me!" Zack complains.

"NO. NOT TODAY SATAN." I threw the rock as hard as I can to the guard's head.

"Nice aim."

"Thanks. Now, take his baton while I take his gun and keys."

"And why should I let you order me around...?"

"Listen here band-aid bitch, do you want to escape from here or not?"

"Whatever," he shrugs and takes the baton, "imma take the stun gun."

We venture throughout the empty halls of the police station, and whenever a cop comes around the corner, Zack would whack them in the head. It looks like he's having fun doing it. It does look like a cartoon.

Zack and I finally reach the front of the police station, where a sleeping cop is not doing his duty.

"What's with all these cops sleeping on the job?" I question.

"I dunno. But he has donuts so imma eat them."

I pull him away from the donut box, "No. Stay on track."

"You're boring."

"Yeah well it ain't gonna be boring when your dead."

He went silent, "Fine."

I finally found the door outside, we walk through the automatic doors only to find more cops coming our way.

"Well, kid whats the plan now?"

y'all like some Zack? the sweetest
dessert on the menu?

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