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⊹ 𝕫𝕒𝕔𝕜'𝕤 𝕡𝕠𝕧 ⊹

I wake up on something rough and cold. Above me lies patches of leaves. I should not have looked up because the sun rays leak through the leaves. In truth, my eyes got fried... I was planning to keep only my body fried.

Trying to remember why the hell I'm in a forest, I hear little snores coming from the other side of the tree. As I walk towards the sound, a body was sleeping with Eleven 7 bags.

"Ohh, it's all coming together now." I think out loud, "so my yesterday self said I would trust this kid, eh?"

I mean they do have food, so I guess I was being smart for once.

The kid flinches and grumbles, which startled me.

I sarcastically greeted them, "Rise and shine sleeping beauty."

"Why thank you prince killer."

I look at them in disgust, "..."

"Too bad?"


For a few seconds, we looked at each other in silence. The only thing that could be heard was the slight rustle of the leaves above us.

"Well, lets get going I guess." The sleeping beauty stood up.


Let's see what they ransacked from the store, "Hopefully your slow ass got enough food for the both of us-"


"Eh," I paused, "what is it?"

"L-LOOK!" They turned my face to a tree.

"Oh cool, a tree. It's not like we've been seeing them for the past five minutes."

"NO! LOOK CLOSER!" They demand.

I squint my eyes and scan the tree to see what they find so interesting about it. There's nothing to see-


"DOES IT LOOK LIKE I KNOW JACK SHIT?" I scream back at them.

"Think (y/n), think (y/n), think (y/n)...-"


"SHH. Wait, the towns budget isn't that of a big stretch. So, they must only own part of this forest. Right? Is that how it works? You know what for the sake of our lives, I have decided yes, that's how it works."

"Okay? But what do we gotta do to stay hidden? How far do the cameras go?"

"Can you break them with your scythe?" They ask a smart idea.

"Maybe? Imma try it." I shove the bags into their face.

After attempting to reach it, I only scratched the surface of the camera lens.

"Does that answer your question?" I take back a bag.

"Yes but no."

"Eh? Do you want me to boomerang the scythe at it? Cuz, it ain't a boomerang if you didn't notice."

"Try it."

Are they for real? I sighed, and yeeted the scythe to the camera. It shattered onto the ground, only bits and pieces were left of it. The wires were left hanging...

"Well that might start a forest wildfire." They sounded concerned.

We continued to walk, "Cool, I've always wanted to have something burned other than myself."

"A-Anyways, check if I did store enough food."

I open up the bag. Inside, it contained lots of chocolate and candy. Some instant noodles, canned food, water, soda cans, salad, chips, notebooks...?

"Why'd you grab notebooks?"

"I have no idea I just ransacked everything in the short amount of time that we had. So I didn't care what I got."

There were some chapsticks, and-

"HAHAHAHA!" I burst out laughing uncontrollably.

"Oh shit you gave me a heart attack. What is it?"

"Y-Y-YO-YOU," I try to explain but I cant control my breathing, "LOOK IN THE BAG!"

I'm on the floor laughing my ass off as they go and check whats in the bag.

"What? I got food, who cares if I got chapsticks? Plus-... oh."



Done with the laughing, I have my composure back. I'm still smiling because of how hilarious this is.

"Oh would you look at that? You even grabbed all the SIZES!"

"I bet your size is: too small to exist." They cross their arms with a smug face.

"Alright alright that's too far, uhh...? What's your name again?"

They sigh and roll their eyes, "(y/n)?"

"Okay, (y/n). That's too far even for a psychopath like me, mind if I call you (n/n)?"

"Um, yeah sure why not?"

your pov ·.

So, I'm so relieved that he changed the condom subject. Or else I would have been mentally disturbed for the rest of the day. Even with a nice, and tall bod like his... well, which is possessed by a serial killer. Why would the gods waste a body like that on a serial killer?! Goddamnit, if he wasn't a serial killer I'd totally lose my brain cells for him.

On our journey outside of the forest, we try to entertain ourselves. We tried, guessing games, I spy, insulting each other, you know... basic things to get on with a serial killer. I guess we're more than just acquaintances, definitely more than fellow inmates.

I got a friend. Woah it feels nice to say that. After all these years... a weird serial killer is what the gods also gave me... cool, I see how it is.

We did come across cameras, some tiny restroom breaks... which I must mentioned, made out of wood...? Whatever, further into our adventure we find a old and run down cabin.

And like the curious criminals we are, we decided to go ahead and walk in.

so... summer homework hit me hard

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