King Sombra Wins!

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The Chrystal Empire came back after 1000 years! But it wasn't the only thing that came!
Right now Twilight Sparkle is traped with one of the Evil King's trap! High on the Chrystal Palace!
Will she escape or fail on one Princess Celestia's test!

Twilight p.o.v

"How was I foolish enough to let my guard down!?" I said trying to get out of some dark crystals that King Sombra put. "Twilight you have to get out of there before Cadence magic fades completely. Or else you fail Celestia's test!" Spike,the little dragon said trying not to step the black crystals that appert on the floor. "No! You have to deliver the Chrystal Hearth to Cadence!" I said. "But Twilight!?" Spike said. "Goo!" I said before he could finish. Spike toke the Chrystal Hearth and left. 'Hopefully were not to late!?' I thought as the shield was fading quickly.

Sombra p.o.v

' yes the shield broke!' I thought. "Hello my slaves!" I said with my shadow form. "I got it! I got it!" I heard as a purple and green dragon was holding the Chrystal Hearth climbing down my black crystals. I knew he had the only thing that could stop me."Aahh!" I yelled as I quickly got near him. He then tripped and was now falling and so was the Chrystal Hearth. I then transformed into my pony form when I got closer to the hearth. Then I saw a blue with white unicorn grabbing a pink Alicorn getting ready to fly. I then knew I had to be faster. Just as she flew closer. I got the Chrystal Hearth. She then grabbed the little dragon. "Noo!" She said. "Finally nothing can stop me now!" I said out loud.

A few minutes past and every Chrstal pony was in chains. I wanted to talk to the ones who were close to stop me. I was now sitting on my throne. "Tell me! Who found the Chrystal Hearth!?" I said talking to the Alicorn, two unicorns, two pegasus, two earth ponys, and the little dragon, who were all in chains. No one answered. "Alright then I guess we all have to find out!" I said pulling their chains towards the stairs were I hid the Chrystal Hearth.

A few minutes later!
Twilight p.o.v

"Let's see! I couldn't use my magic what if I use dark magic!?" I said ready to use dark magic. "Here goes!" I said and used dark magic on one of the walls of my trap. The dark Chrystal shattered. "I did it!" I said. "Wow!" I heard a few voices then I saw my friends and my brother with Cadence. "Guys!" I said confused, but headed to hug them. "Why are you in chains!?" I said looking at them after the hug. But before the answer. I sense somepony was behind me. I quickly turned around,but felled on somepony. I slowly opened my eyes. I saw I was on top of somepony. A black unicorn staring at me with green and red eyes, purple mist was coming out of his eyes . I blushed. I was almost touching his lips. " I'm so sorry!" I said getting up. When I got up I said, "Who's this!?" "That's King Sombra!" Cadence said. I think my heart skipped a beat when I heard his name. I slowly started to back away! towards my friends." Spike! I thought I told you to give the Chrystal Hearth to Cadence!" I said still staring at Sombra." I was but I tripped and I fell and he got it." Spike said. "Are you okay!? Did you get hurt!?" I said panicked looking at Spike. I picked him up with my magic to look at his body. "I'm fine thanks to Cadence!" Spike said. "Whew!" I said. "But I don't think we're going to be safe for long!" Rainbow said. "So your the one that found the Chrystal Hearth!?" Sombra said staring at me. "Yes!" I said proudly. "What's your name!!" Sombra said walking towards me. "Ummm...Twilight Sparkle!" I said. "What a pretty name you have!" Sombra said sliding his hoof on my mane. "Don't touch her!" Shining said defending me. Sombra didn't stop. 'I need to think of something fast before he does something I don't like!?' I thought. "Please don't touch me!" I said. "What if I don't want to stop!" Sombra said heading towards my lips. That got me pist. "I said stop touching me!" I said using my horn to shine a bright light. Sombra hissed backing off. I knew we had a chance. I quickly teleported my friends and I to the Chrystal Hearth. I got it and quickly teleported us to where the Chrystal Hearth supposed to be. "Nice call Twilight!" Rainbow said. "Hurry we don't have much time!" Cadence said. I quickly used dark magic to break the chains of my friends,they had and the black chrystal shinning, Cadence, and Rarity had in their horns. I was about to put the Chrystal Hearth when."It won't work sweet heart!"  I quickly put a shield around me and my friends. Sombra was on the other side. "Don't listen to him Twily!"  Shining said." No his right!" Cadence said. "What do you mean Princess!?" Applejack said. "Without the joy of the Chrystal ponys, the Chrystal Hearth it won't work. That's why we put the Chrystal Fair! Remember Twilight!" Cadence said looking at me. "She's right!" I said worried looking at my friends.

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