How He did it!? Don't know!

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The castle of Friendship!
Sombra p.o.v

I woke up feeling the heat Celestia's sun. As soon as I heard little snores. I opened my eyes to see my cute Twilight and my daughter. They looked cute when there asleep. I slowly took my hoof to brush Twilight's mane. She moved a little,but didn't woke up.

I kissed her neck sofly. "One of this day your going to be all mine!" I whisped in her hear. She giggled sofly, but she still didn't wake up. 

I was thinking on how I, almost, lost everything. I remember that crazy, pathetic, draconequus. 'If I want to be with my family, I got to get rid of anything that could stand in my way. That means the  draconequus, the princesses, and Twilight's friends.' I thought. 

'But how!?' Was the question that always bothered me. All of the sudden Twilight turned around and put her hoofs in my chest tightly.  I
chuck. "Don't worry Twilight we Will be together, Forever!" I said hugging her tightly. 

All of the sudden I had an awful, wonderful idea.
He remembered Lord Tirek ! A creature  that can absorb *cough* eat, any magic even alicorns themselves and he also remembered that Tirek had took Discord's  magic before.

'I could use him!' I thought. I turned to a shadow and left Twilight, but not before a kissed her cheek.  "Goodbye, my love!" I said and left her.

As I fly in ever free, I see bug like creatures walking towards Tartarus. I turned to my shadow form and followed them. I see a larger female of their species.  "Hurry up! Tartarus is near by! " She called. I was very confused to why they be coming here.

Finally they layed their eyes at the doors of Tartarus. "Finally! My changelings! I want you to stay here while I do the talking.  If somepony comes quickly tell me. Especially if there Twilight Sparkle's friends or her!" The female said spitting Twilight name out.

As she open the doors, Cerberus was waiting protecting the doors of  Tartarus. "Distracted it!" She called and a few smaller creatures run towards Cerberus and attacked it giving the female enough time to go inside. As she got inside I followed her.

I didn't like the place to much! As she walked I was hiding in her shadow. We passed many creatures,but non were interesting for me or this Changeling.
She kept on walking, then climbed some stairs to a place I knew to well. But there was some familiar creature in a cage.

"Lord Tirek! I presume!" She said. "And who might you be!?" He said. "Queen Chrysalis, the queen of the Changelings!" Chrysalis said. "And what brings you here to my humble prison!" Tirek said sharply. "I was thinking of deal between you and I..." she said but got interrupted by laughter of Tirek. "Oh please and what can you offer me!" He said. "Freedom!" She said with a smirk on her face.

"And not just that,but revenge on certain ponys as well!" Chrysalis said. "Go on!" Tirek said. "With my changeling army and your  ability to get their magic.With both of us working together we will be unstoppable. After all two heads are better than one!" Chrysalis said.

"How about three!?" I said as I use my magic to appear next to her. "Boo!" I said smiling wickedly at her. This let to fear on their eyes. "Who are you! And where did you come from!" Chrysalis said. I had to chuck. "I came in your shadow! And to answer your fist question my name is King Sombra, King of Fears!" I said.

"Nice to see you again!" Tirek said. "Nice to see you too old friend!" I said. "You know each other!?" Chrysalis said.  "Well we did share this same place together, so does that answer your question!?" I said sarcastic. She rolled her eyes. "Well you didn't get caught, have you!" Tirek said. "No, I live in the shadows!" I said.

"Sorry to interrupted this wonderful reunion. I still didn't get an answer!" Chrysalis said sarcastic.  "Fine, just get me out of here!" Tirek said unpatiently. She was preparing her magic and shoot a beam towars Tirek's cell,but the cell  had procted magic, which reflected back to her. I made dark crystals to protect her.

"That was close!" She said. "To much magic for you!" I said smiling wickedly.  "Why don't you try!?" Chrysalis said angry. "I will and I will free him!" I said. "Good luck!" She said.  "I don't need luck!" I aaid as i shoot a dark beam in the cage that freed Tirek. "Finally!" Tirek said as he  stretch his legs and arms. Chrysalis on the other hand was surprised.  "Your welcome princess!" I said. "Queen Chrysalis to you shadow!" She said angry.

All of the sudden, a changeling bug was running towards us. "My queen!  A weird creatur has showed up with even weirdor magic. And he is to powerful for us!" He said. I growed. "Discord!" I said. "That pathetic clown again!" Tirek said groaning. "Well you do know what to do right!" Chrysalis said. "Of course!" Tirek said.  "Well, deal with him!" She said. "I will help you, it's time I get some pay back from him as well!" I said as i follows Tirek to the door.

We were met by a .....

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