Chapter 10

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Just had to put this here

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Just had to put this here... :)
(The way he so effortlessly jumps over the seat though. Also Oikawa in glasses is just something else.)

"Slut" I overhear a girl whisper to her friend as she gazes in my direction.

Ever since I walked into class wearing Iwaizumi's clothes I've received major backlash for some reason.

It's been a week since and it hasn't gotten any better. Both Iwazumi and Oikawa have noticed standing up for me everytime which was very sweet of them.

It reminded me of two friends back in Tokyo...

What doesn't make it any better is that I'm friends with Oikawa too who all of them are head over heels for.

This honestly made me feel like I was in Nekoma all over again and I had a pit in my stomach because of it.

Sighing I walk towards my locker unlocking it only to see a note fall to the ground.

Curiously I pick it up examining the note. Opening it there was very neat hand writing.

I know who you are.

My eyes widen as I read the note over and over again turning the paper to see if there was anything else to which there wasn't.

What was this? A blackmail note?

I look around the halls to notice anyone suspicious and spot someone in a black hoodie far down the hallway who was looking at me then immediately scurries off as I looked their way.

Well this is creepy.

Stuffing the piece of paper in my bag I close my locker speed walking to class turning back every other second.

You've already been through this before... so don't worry Ren.

"Alright class so for this weeks assignment you will be working in groups of 2-3 analyzing the text we have been reading over the last few weeks," Yamamoto Sensei tells us as she hands out the rubrics.

"I except equal work from all of you and to work on it on your own time,"

"Sweetheart do you want all three of us to work together?" Oikawa flirts a smirk on his lips.

"Hmm I don't know, I'd rather just work with Iwaizumi only," I tease pointing to the black haired boy beside me.

The setter lets out a loud dramatic gasp putting his hand on his chest. "How dare you my dear Naka-Chan! Working with me is every girls dream come true."

At that I let out a snort looking around the class to see most of the girls swooning over Oikawa. "Uhuh, not me Oikawa so get that straight." I hear a snicker come out from Iwaizumi as he watches his best friend frown with a pout.

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