Episode 1: Wildest Dreams

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Sometimes I think of what my life would've been if things were different. If I wasn't who I am. Because if I were like everyone else... Then I wouldn't have to feel alone in a crowded room. Ever since students at my high school found out, things haven't been the same between us. Ever since my classmates found out I was gay, it's like they shunned me from their perfect little grade. I moved to a new city three years ago, and started attending "Newgate Junior High School". I've never been one to enjoy school, mostly because I struggle in most classes. It can be quite frustrating because I really do try my best, even though it's never enough. I Swear the teachers there have something against me. The thing is, I used to have a ton of friends when I was younger, but of course, No one wants to be friends with the weird gay kid.

I was outed. The one person who was supposed to be my best friend, leaked my secret and everyone in my class knew about my sexuality. Secrets are supposed to be secret, and yet, I trusted the wrong person. For as long as I can remember, I've always been into boys. It took me years to figure out exactly what it meant and what it even was. It was never talked about or even shown around me. So when I was feeling these feelings, I thought it was wrong and weird. I was scared because it wasn't normalized around me, until I was around 11 when I finally did my own research and figured it out. Still, I never told anyone this because it was still so new to me and I didn't want anyone to think of me differently. Of course, my coming out was pretty much stolen from me once I finally opened up my heart to someone who I thought would always be there for me.

Grade Nine started 2 weeks ago, and so far, nothing's changed. 14 years old with barely any friends, some overdue assignments, introverted, and have been single since my past life. I'm always so worried that I'm gonna make a fool out of myself and being an Introvert.. It's become harder to find friends and connect with people who don't hate me. Oh and one thing that does make me stand out in school is that I'm a ginger who doesn't have any more secrets... Well maybe just one. Just one that I've never shared with anyone before. It's that I have the biggest crush on this guy in my class. I know he's probably as straight as can be but.. every time I see him I just get butterflies; He's so cute. His name is Jonathan and he's the most popular guy in my class. I don't even know if he knows I exist, which sucks and makes me lose hope that I even have a chance. The reason that no one knows this is because they're all homophobic. I was outed by a Homophobe and will not go down well if anyone knows. I don't know why they think it's so wrong for a guy to be interested in other guys, it's not like it affects them in any way. It's ridiculous and hurtful in my opinion. I'm just hoping that Jonathan... that he's kind like everyone says he is. I have such a huge crush on him and I don't know what to do! If I should ever tell him how I feel or not....


In A Heartbeat

Episode 1: Wildest Dreams


Sherwin walked through the gates of his high school. It was a typical Monday morning with tired students walking into the building. Sherwin began to walk down the sidewalk leading to the front doors when suddenly, A football was thrown at him from afar. Sherwin fell to the ground, dropping his notebooks and textbook. "Of course this would happen.. Man that Hurt", Sherwin Spoke as he sat up. He rubbed the back of his

A boy immediately ran over to Sherwin from behind and looked at him. "Oh, I'm so sorry!", Said Jonathan, starting to pick up Sherwin's books for him. He handed the books to him as the two boys stood up. "Here", He said. Sherwin took them. "Uh... I'm sorry for...being in the way!", Said Sherwin hiding his face. He was Blushing. "No, No.. You weren't at all in the way.. I'm sorry for hitting you with the ball... I was trying to Pass it back to my friend", Jonathan said as he pointed to his friend up ahead on the school's sidewalk. Sherwin could feel his cheeks turning red. "I um... I have to go- uh bye!", Sherwin rushed by Jonathan to get inside, dropping a book while doing so. "Wait! Sherwin.. you dropped-". Sherwin was already inside before Jonathan could finish his sentence. Jonathan picked up Sherwin's book and headed inside with his friend.

Sherwin went to Class. He sat down at his desk. "Oh God.... you almost blew it!", Sherwin said in his mind. Suddenly, Jonathan walked into the same classroom as him. "Oh Great". He sat in the next row, Three seats ahead. The teacher then came in. "Now Class.. let's continue yesterday's lesson, Can anyone tell me how many countries there are in the world?". A few people raised their hand, Including Jonathan. "Sherwin!", the teacher called out. "What?", Sherwin said, nervous. Everyone looked at him. "I haven't picked on you yet.. How many countries are in the world?", She asked. "uh....well-". Jonathan turned around and wrote on a piece of paper. He faced Sherwin and held up the piece of paper. It read the answer. "195", Sherwin said Nervously. "Yes, That is correct, Thank you!", She said. Everyone faced the teacher..... Except for Jonathan. He smiled at Sherwin and raised two thumbs up. Sherwin Raised his thumbs too. He smiled awkwardly. Jonathan giggled and faced the front. "Wow... Jonathan Laughed... at me.. In a good way!", Sherwin said in his mind.

45 minutes later

RING! The School bell rang. Class has ended and everyone left. Sherwin walked to his locker. He opened his locker door when Jonathan walked to him. "Hey!", he said. Sherwin faced Jon. "oh... um... H-Hi!", Sherwin said Shyly. "Nice answer!", Jonathan said. "Oh..uh.. Yeah.. Sure.. I-uh.. Thanks for giving me the answer!", Sherwin exclaimed. "Haha, no problem!" Jonathan smiled, "Oh hey.. you dropped this earlier!", Jonathan handed sherwin his book. "Oh.. Th-Thanks!", Sherwin said. Jonathan then left. Sherwin Melted inside. His bright blue eyes and his Chocolate colored hair. Sherwin grabbed his notebook that he used as a diary. Sherwin was really shy so he didn't really talk. His notebook was his diary that he constantly wrote in. He grabbed it when suddenly a guy in his class took it from Sherwin's hands. "What's this?", He opened his notebook and was going through it. "Hey!, Give that Back!", Yelled Sherwin. People started to stare and circle around the two. He started to read it. Sherwin was shorter than Him so he couldn't reach his notebook. "Dear Diary; I have a HUGE crush on Jonathan, a boy in my class", Matt continued to read. "STOP....PLEASE!", Pleaded Sherwin. Everyone in the hallway circled around Sherwin and Matt. Jonathan then saw the classmates and went to the circle. He went through the group and was at the two. Matt looked at Jon. "HEY!, It's Jon... why don't you confess your Gigantic crush on him!", Exclaimed Matt. Sherwin started crying. Jonathan looked at Sherwin. Shocked and feeling bad. Everyone started to look at Sherwin in Disgust. "GAY KID!", Yelled some classmates. "Beat Him Up!, Don't fall for it!,". Sherwin, Who was crying, ran out the door at the end of the hallway. "Sherwin!", Exclaimed Jonathan. Matt threw the notebook on the ground and walked away. Jonathan waited for everyone to walk away before picking up the book off the ground and looking at the door Sherwin left through.


Jonathan headed outside. It was cloudy and cold, with nothing but trees surrounding. He looked behind every tree and finally, he saw Sherwin at a tree. Tears were falling down Sherwin's face as he was sitting up against the tree, heartbroken. Jonathan started walking towards him when Sherwin saw Jonathan and immediately wiped his tears. Jonathan sat next to Sherwin. "I'm Sorry... for how they treat you", Sherwin looked away. "Why are you here?", He said while crying. "Hey....."Jon said. Sherwin looked at Jon. Then, out of nowhere... Jonathan Kissed Sherwin. Sherwin Started to smile and blush. "You...You..-" "Yeah.. I know, Said Jon, smiling. Jonathan then took off his sweater and wrapped Sherwin up in it, making sure that he stayed warm in the cold weather.

The bell then rang, which made the two get up. "We should get to class", said Sherwin with a small gentle Smile. He looked over at Jon who was blushing and was about to say something. "Is everything okay Jon?, Sherwin softly spoke. Silence filled the air for a minute before Jon worked up the courage to say: "I.... I love you.. and I really want to get to know you"...


Episode 1: Wildest Dreams

Written By: Brayden Bishop

Inspired by the Short film by Beth David + Esteban Bravo

Originally Published on: September 15th, 2017

Uploaded to Wattpad: July 2020

Read Episode 2 to Find out what happens next!

Other My other Stories:

"September Boy"


"Gone Too Far"

The End.

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