Episode 2: You and I

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"I.... I love you.. and I really want to get to know you", Exclaimed Jonathan. "You...you do?", Questioned Sherwin. "I do", Said Jon. Sherwin suddenly hugged Jonathan. Jon immediately hugged him back. "You're not lying to me... right?, or Leading me on?", Asked Sherwin. "No.. I would never!", said Jon as he pulled away from Sherwin and rested his hand on Sherwin's Shoulder. "Okay... I.. do you wanna skip our last class?", Said Sherwin. "Sure.. uh alright." The two stayed sitting together under the tree for the last hour of school.


In A Heartbeat

Episode 2: You and I


45 Minutes later, The bell rang. School was finally over. Jonathan Walked on over to Sherwin who was packing up to leave. "H-Hey.. Jon", Said Sherwin. "Hey!, do you wanna maybe walk home today?," Jon Asked. "Sure... I'd.. I'd love that", Sherwin said with a smile. They packed up and began walking home together. As they were walking down the sidewalk, there was a moment of Silence. "So.. could I have your number?", Asked Jon. "Of course, here!", They Exchanged phone numbers. "I'll Call You Tonight!", Jon said. "Alright!". Jon went home. A half an hour later. Jon Called Sherwin. He answered. "Hey Sherwin!". "Hey Jon". "so.. I've got something to ask you", Said Jon. "Okay, what is it?", Sherwin replied. "Would you like to go on a date with me?", Asked Jonathan. "Yeah... I'd like that!", Said Sherwin. "So Tomorrow Night?, We could go to that Pizza Place on main Street?" asked Sherwin. "Yeah, that'd be awesome!". They Talked For hours that night, just getting to know each other. The feelings for each other started to grow stronger between them.

The Next Day. It was 6:32 PM. They arrived at the restaurant. They ordered a pizza and chatted. "So.. How'd you know you were gay?", Asked Jonathan. "Well.. Good Question!", They both Giggled. "I just... Just started having Crushes on guys... I don't know Haha", Said Sherwin, What about you?". "Um... I just Recently Figured out that I'm Bisexual!", I like Girls... But I also thought some guys were hot!". Explained Jonathan. "Oh?", Sherwin Smiled, "Who were all the guys you had a crush on?". "Well... There was Seth, Matthew, Zach.... and You!", Jon Said. "Matthew?", Sherwin Said, trying not to Laugh. "What?, I thought he had a cute face back in Grade 4.... He Definitely isn't attractive anymore!", Jon Laughed. "Ha... Tell Me about it!", Sherwin took a sip of his drink. "How long have you liked me?", Sherwin said Curiously. "Well... I've liked you for about two years now", Exclaimed Jon. "TWO YEARS?", Sherwin was shocked, "Why didn't you say anything to me or tried to ever talk to me?". Jonathan shrugged. "I didn't know if you would ever be interested.. To be honest, I didn't even think you knew my name at all!", Exclaimed Jon. "Why would you think that?, of course I know you.. You're the most popular, most attractive guy at school!", Sherwin asked. "You never actually socialize with any of our classmates. You're always writing and you keep your head down, ignoring every one!", Jon Laughed. "Yeah... I Guess I do that", Giggled Sherwin. Jonathan Looked at sherwin. "It's cute though!," Sherwin looked up at Jonathan and smiled. "You Got a cute face", Sherwin said. 'You got a Pretty eyes", Said Jon. "You got a nice body", Gigged Sherwin. "You got a nice behind!", said Jon. "Haha.. Sir I'm gonna have to ask you to stop, this is a public restaurant!, Sherwin said. They both laughed. Finally, The waitress served them their dinner. After an hour, they finished, and it started to rain. "Uh Oh... Its Raining!, Exclaimed Sherwin. They got outside and in the dry spots at the walls. "What?... You afraid of the rain?", Laughed Jon. "No... Its just getting wet!, I hate Getting Wet!", Sherwin said while trying to stay dry at the wall. Jonathan stepped out into the rain and started stomping in the puddles. "Come on Sherwin!", Yelled Jon. "No Way, You Crazy?" Exclaimed Sherwin. "Hey... All the best people are!", they both laughed. Jon jumped in a puddle which was right beside Sherwin. "NOO", Yelled Sherwin as he got wet. "Oh you're gonna get it!" yelled sherwin as he went under the rain and started splashing Jon. "AH!" After a few minutes of splashing each other with rain puddles. They stopped at each other. Jon looked at Sherwin. he held out his hand, "Will you dance with me?", asked Jon. "IN THE RAIN?", Exclaimed sherwin. "Yeah!". Sherwin Smiled and took his hand. They Danced in the rain. Slow Dancing. They looked each other in the eyes and went in for a kiss. The two kissed under the raining evening sky.

Jonathan walked Sherwin home. "I had a great time with you", Sherwin said, as he held Jonathan's Hand. "I Did too!. Sherwin smiled. "I'll See you tomorrow?", asked Jon. "Yes, You will!". Jon Smiled. Sherwin went inside, and Jon turned around to walk home.


The next day at school. Sherwin saw Jonathan outside and went up to him. "Hey!, What's Up?", Said Sherwin. "Hey!", Jon replied. "So Jon... How did you –", Sherwin got interrupted. "AWWW! How Cute!", Said Matt, yelling from across the sidewalk, "So awful!". "Hey!, Quit It!", Said Jonathan. "Oh Look.. Sherwin's gonna Cry!" Sherwin Started to tear up. "Hey!, Back off now You idiot", Yelled Jonathan, going in front of Sherwin. "Why are you even Defending Him?", Asked Matt angrily. "Because He's My Friend!", Exclaimed Jon. Matt Looked disgusted. "Oh My God.... You're Gay!.... You're a fag, and I can't wait to beat your little boyfriend up till he's in the hospital!", said Matt, in an Angry tone. Jonathan was furious with Matt. "SHUT UP!" Jonathan suddenly Tackled Matt. "JONATHAN!"..... "NO!", Sherwin witnessed and yelled out.


Episode 2: You and I

Written By: Brayden Bishop

Inspired by the Short Film By: Beth David + Esteban Bravo

Originally released in: September 28th, 2017.

Remake released in: July 2020.

Read Episode 3 to find out what happens Next!

The End.

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