Episode 4: One Step Closer

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Jonathan looked at Sherwin. His nose was bleeding. "I'm so sorry!", Exclaimed Jonathan, feeling awful for what he had done. Sherwin looked up at Jonathan while Blood was rushing down his face. Jonathan picked up Sherwin and carried him to the bathroom in his arms. Sherwin was covering his bloodied nose, while being carried. Jon entered the men's washroom and sat Sherwin onto the counter. He grabbed Tissue and helped clean Sherwin up. "I'm so sorry this happened.... I would never hurt you on purpose... Ever!". "It's.... It's... Okay!", Said Sherwin Holding the Tissue at his nose. After a Few Minutes, His nose finally stopped Bleeding. The Two walked out of the bathroom. Jonathan Sat by Sherwin down at a bench. We walked up to Matt. "Oh Look The Gay kid!", Matt laughed. "And?.... I don't see a problem with being Gay!". Matt Stopped laughing. "It's so wrong!-". "Well that's your opinion....I Love Sherwin and if you have a problem with that, then you can take your small minded self outta here!". Jonathan started walking away. "Oh and.... we're not friends anymore!". He continued. Matt was left shocked and angry. Jon went up to Sherwin. "Come on... Let's get to Class!". The two got up and walked to their last class of the day.


In A Heartbeat

Episode 4: One Step Closer


After School, Sherwin and Jonathan walked home together. Sherwin Held Jonathan's hand. "Hey Sherwin....I was meaning to ask you..... Um.. Would you like to go to the School Dance with me?", Jon asked with a cute smile." Sherwin looked at Jon. "I... I don't know", he replied. "Why Not?", Jon questioned. "I... I just don't go to dance's... It's always too crowded!", Sherwin said shyly. "Come on... It'll be fun", Jon pleaded, "At least come for a little bit... if you still don't wanna be there, we can always go home together!", Jonathan Smiled. He stopped in his tracks. Sherwin turned around to face Jon who then held both sherwin's hands. "Would you make me the happiest man on earth and be my date to the school dance?". Sherwin looked down and then at Jon. "Pretty please?", Jon said in a soft and adorable tone. "Okay fine!...I'll Go!", Sherwin replied and smiled. "But only because I know you'll Keep bugging me if I Don't!". "YESSS!", Jon yelled excitedly. The two continued walking.


Jonathan arrived to his house. He opened the door. His mother wasn't there. Jonathan went up to his room and laid down on his bed. He fell asleep while relaxing and thinking about Sherwin.

~Jonathan's Flashback~

He was walking with his Father. He was 7 Years old. They were walking down a sketchy street. It was late at night. "Hey Dad?", Asked young Jonathan. "Yeah?", His father replied. "Where did you and mom Meet?", Jonathan asked as he looked up at his father. "Where did we meet?.... Umm", His father looked forward. "Your mother and I met back in high School, In 8th grade. We were best friends and later confessed our love for each other. We were judged very hard at first because..", He laughed. "We were the complete opposite!, She was very quiet and shy... and I was the popular football jock!", His father smiled at looked at him. "We were High School Sweethearts!". 'Wow!", Young Jonathan was Laughing. "Listen Jon... always follow your heart!. The Heart wants what the Heart wants... Remember that, my boy!". "Okay... I will!", replied Jon. Suddenly A Guy in a mask showed up and pointed a gun at his father. He was alarmed. "Wallet NOW!", the Man yelled as he pointed the gun at Jon's father. "I'm Sorry... I don't have any cash on me!... I left my wall-", "STOP LYING... HAND IT OVER NOW!", the man pointed the gun at Jonathan. Jon's father quickly ran to the man to grab his gun when- *BANG*.... "DAD!!!!", Yelled Jon!. The Man backed away and ran away. Jonathan ran to his father. He was bleeding Badly. "NOOOOO!" Jon's father looked at his son. "Please take c-care.... o..f..Your..M-mother!..a..and remember!...T-The Heart wants....what... The heart wants". "NOOO DAD! DON'T GO! PLEASE!", pleaded Jon. "I.. l-love y-you my boy". Those were the last words Jon's father said before he died in Jon's arms.


Jonathan Woke up Terrified. He took a moment to breathe and calm down. "I miss you Dad!". The next day at school. He walked up to Sherwin. "Hey!", Jon said. "Oh...Hey Johnny!", Sherwin replied. "Johnny?", Jonathan gave a smirk. "Yup...It's your new nickname!", Sherwin and Jonathan laughed. "Well Then Get your books... Shirly!, we got class to attend!", Sherwin Smiled. "Yeah Yeah!". *RING* The bell then rang. "Come on!"

4 Minutes Later... Jonathan and Sherwin Went to Class. They sat down at their desks. The Teacher then came in. Hey Guys!, Today we have a new Student joining us this semester!". The new student walked in. Jonathan looked over at the doorway and his eyes widened. He looked at her and realized... He knows her. "..Hannah?"


Episode 4: One Step Closer

Written By: Brayden Bishop

Inspired by the Short Film by: Beth David + Esteban Bravo.

Originally Released on: October 25th, 2017.

Remake released in July 2020.

Read The Season Finale - Episode 5 to Find out what happens Next!

Episode 5 - The Season Finale

The End.

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