Episode 5: Happier Than Ever

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"Hannah?", Exclaimed Jonathan. She sat down. "Hey Johnny Boy!", She gave him a smile. Sherwin saw Jon smiling. The same smile he smiles at Sherwin with after they kiss. 45 Minutes had passed, Jonathan and Hannah walked out of class together. Sherwin went up to Jonathan. "Hey um.. Hi Jon!", Sherwin said nervously. "Hey!...You okay?", Jon Asked. "Oh...yeah.. yeah I'm great...Thanks!", Sherwin replied, "I was just wondering if we're still meeting up today to get ready for the dance?", Sherwin Asked Nervously. "Yeah!, I'll be there at your place after school... I just have to grab a few things first!", Replied Jon. "Oh my god... There's a Dance tonight?", Hannah asked excitedly. "Yeah, there is!", Jon Replied to Hannah. "Wanna Go with me?", Hannah grabbed onto Jon's arm. "Oh Sorry... I'm already going with Sherwin!", He said. "Oh...I uh.. I didn't know you were um... Gay!", Hannah said. "I'm bi.. But you can come with us maybe if you want!", Jonathan Smiled at Hannah. Hannah looked over at Sherwin. "uhh... No thanks!", "I'll just go by myself!", Hannah said, giving Sherwin a look. "Oh okay... I'll Call You later!", said Jonathan as he winked at Hannah. She walked away. Jon looked over at Sherwin. "I uhh... I H\have to go... See you later Jon!", Said Sherwin as he turned around, crossing his arms and walking away. Jon Looked Confused.


In A Heartbeat

Episode 5: Happier Than Ever


Sherwin arrived at his house and walked into his bedroom. He got a notification on his phone. He looked over at his phone. Hannah sent a friend request to him on social media. Sherwin accepted her request. "Maybe She is really nice and I'm just overthinking it!", The first thing she texted him was this: "He's Mine now, Jonathan will soon forget about you!". Sherwin was shocked and Immediately removed Hannah. He set down his phone. He started to tear up. "He probably likes her more anyways... It's Obvious!", Sherwin said to himself. He started to cry. He was Upset. He took a deep breath and wiped his tears. He went to his Piano in his room. He grabbed a pen and a piece of paper. He started Playing a random Tune. Trying not to cry, he started singing how he was feeling. "I'll be your Emmylou and I'll be your June, If You'll be my Gram and my Johnny too," He sang. He wrote it down on paper. He continued to play the piano. "No I'm not asking Much of you...Just...Sing". He took a deep breath. "Little darling.. sing with me!". A tear was falling down his cheek. He wrote it on paper. "You got a nice Voice!", someone said behind. Sherwin looked behind him. Jonathan was at his doorframe. Sherwin quickly looked away to wipe his tears. "Oh um....Thanks!", Sherwin Gave a little smile. "Something on your mind.. Are you alright?", Jonathan sat down beside him. Sherwin took a deep breath. "I... I'm worried that you'll start falling in love with Hannah and you'll forget about me!", Jonathan put his arm around Sherwin. Sherwin rested his head on Jon's shoulder. His warmness Comforted Sherwin. "I will never Forget about you or fall in love with anyone else!....Like you said..."Whatever's going on between us is special"....I Love you with all my heart!", Jon hugged Sherwin. Sherwin felt a little better. "Thanks", Jonathan kissed sherwin on the forehead. "Now Come on.. Let's get ready!", Jon Implied. "Okay!" The two stood up. "You're going to look so beautiful!", Jonathan told Sherwin. Sherwin smiled at him.

Jon got his fancy clothes. Sherwin had grabbed two shirts out. "Hey Jon!... Which one should I wear?", Sherwin Held up two Shirts. Jonathan Looked at them. "Hmm.... The pink and purple Checkered Shirt!", Jonathan replied. Sherwin took off his shirt and put on the outfit he chose for the dance. Jonathan was trying to tie his tie, but was having some trouble. "Hey Shirly!... Can you help me tie this!", Jon asked. "Sure thing, babe!", Sherwin went to Jon and helped Jonathan with his tie. "Thanks!". "Yup!"


2 Hours Later, They arrived at the dance, Holding hands. Sherwin was looking around, Nervous about being there. He held Jon's hand tightly. It was loud with flashing colorful lights. "It's Okay.. Sherwin!". Jon put his arm around his Sherwin's Shoulder. The two got onto the dance floor. "COME ON!, LET"S DANCE!", Yelled Jonathan. "OH ALRIGHT!", Said Sherwin trying to be louder than the music. They stared dancing. It was crowded. Sherwin was starting to get Anxiety. Sherwin then left the dance floor and went out side to get some air. Jonathan went to follow Sherwin when Hannah Stopped Him. "LET'S DANCE!", she yelled. "SORRY, I GOTTA FIND SHERWIN!", he moved Hannah to the side and walked out. Hannah was Angry. He walked outside. "Sherwin?", Jonathan looked around. He finally spotted Him. Jon walked up to him. "Hey!", Said Jon. "Hi!". "You Okay?", worried Jonathan. "Yeah I'm good... I just needed Some Fresh Air... . It was too crowded for me!", Sherwin responded. The stars outside were bright. The music was loud enough to hear it from outside. A Slow song started playing. Jonathan looked at Sherwin. "Will You Dance with me?", Jon asked with a smile. Sherwin Smiled at put his hand in Jonathan's hand. "Sure!" The Two slow danced outside. Jonathan put his hand onto Sherwin's waist. Sherwin put his hand on Jon's Shoulder. He looked into Jon's Bright beautiful Eyes. They sparkled. The two slow danced. "I'm really glad I met you!", Sherwin said in a soft tone. "Me too!, Jon Responded. They danced under the moonlight. They looked into each other's eyes. "I Love You", Said Jonathan. "I Love You Too!", Sherwin Responded with a smile. They Kissed under the twinkling stars.


Episode 5: Happier Than Ever

Written By: Brayden Bishop

Inspired by the Short Film By: Beth David + Esteban Bravo.

Originally Released on: November 13th, 2017.

Remake released on Wattpad in: July 2020.

I Hope you enjoyed! Like and comment!

Read the Sequel! "In a Heartbeat: Season Two"

The End. 

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