Chapter Two

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Tamara's outfit at the top, enjoy, xoxo


"Tamara, get up". Mason shakes me and I jolt up.

"Hi Mase". I say rubbing my eyes and he pats my head.

"Come on, get up and get ready or you'll be late". I nod and walk into my bathroom as he leaves the room. I take a quick bath and dry my hair deciding to put it in a messy bun.

After I'm done with my hair, I apply some nude lipstick with some mascara.

I pick out a black and white top with stripes that falls off one shoulder and pair it with a pair of blue jeans and a pair of white converses. I tuck the top in and smile.

Next I put on my diamond stud earrings and a simple pendant for my neck. I grab my bag and phone and go downstairs.

"Hey family". I sit down at the table and see a plate of bacon in front of me with some eggs. Classic.

"Thanks mom". She smiles at me.

"Well, Mr. Cross invited us to a party this Saturday. He invited all your other friends too and the theme is royalty". She says staring at all of us and I groan.

You see, these 'parties' were just and avenue were everyone could act like royalty and the theme being royalty, changes everything. How you may ask, well we'll be forced to act more royally than we already do and that is NOT okay. Mom shoots me a disapproving look and I sigh in defeat.

"Uh, mom? Leyla and I have that orientation party to attend this Saturday and mom you know we can't miss it". Mom nods in understanding.

"Well, Tamara, I guess you're the only one attending the ball". I stifle a groan and finish my breakfast before going outside. I wait for about five minutes before Jazz finally comes.

"Hey Jazz". She smiles at me expectantly and I sigh.

"Yes, we're going shopping on Saturday morning". She squeals for a good one minute before she calms down and then she pulls out of my driveway.

"Geez woman, how do you manage to squeal so much". I shoot her an incredulous look and she shrugs.

"Its a talent". She says and then winks and I shake my head.

"What do I do with you?" She chuckles.

"Treat me to ice cream?" She says shooting me a hopeful look but I snort.

"You wish Jazz, you wish". She smiles and looks at me.

"I'm glad you're back to normal Tammy". I smile at her.

"Well, couldn't mope forever now could I?" I throw her a smirk and she smiles.

"Now let's go before we're late". She grabs her stuff and we step out of the car. As soon as we step through the doors Blake runs to me.

"If I were to ask you to be my date for the party would your answer be the same as the answer to this question?". I smirk, two could play this game.

"Maybe". He smiles.

"Good, I'll pick you up at six. Also... wait, maybe?!" I shrug and then he sighs.

"Tamara Cole, will you be my date to the party?" I smile.

"Sure, pick me up by six?" He nods and Jazz and I walk away. I notice she's quiet and I look at her to see a creepy smile on her face.

"Jazz, what's going on in that head of yours?" I ask skeptically and she looks at me.

"Oh nothing, just imagining you dancing with Blake". I roll my eyes and the bell rings. I make my way to English while she departs to whatever class she has now.


The rest of the week goes by quickly with nothing special happening except me getting closer to the boys.

So Saturday morning comes and I'm at the mall with Jazz in front of some fancy store called le plus chic. We step in and look around the store, no scratch that, boutique. The store attendant comes towards us and greets us before leading us to a sofa.

"Uh we're looking for something royally fancy". She nods and quickly walks away. After five minutes she comes back with tons of dresses in her arms. She lays them down and leaves us to choose.

"They're all so beautiful". I hum in agreement. She picks a gold gown with glitter on it and goes to try it on.

I notice a light blue gown with a cap sleeve and butterflies on the body. It has a lace cape like thingy on it and I smile.

I go to the changing room and try it on. When I come out, Jazz squeals.

"That dress totes fits you". I smile and shrug.

"I don't know Jazz, it seems kinda childish". She sighs.

"You know how it is, until you're twenty, you dress like a princess and not a queen". I let out a chuckle.

"Well, I'll buy it". She smiles and turns to the clothes.

"Now help me find my dress". I spot a pitch dress and I pick it up. Its floor length and has whitish flowers at the top. I hand it to her.

"Here, try this on". She grins and steps into the changing room.

She comes out five minutes later smiling and let me just put this out there. The dress looks amazing on her.

"You know what Tammy? I should take you on ALL my shopping adventures, you really know how to pick dresses with just one glance!" I chuckle at that and dip into a courtesy.

"Come on, let's go pay, we have shoes that'll go with these". She nods and goes to take off the dress.

The shop assistant, noticing that I wasn't looking for anything comes over.

"Ma'am, is everything okay? Are the dresses to your liking?" I shoot her a smile.

"Yes they're all very beautiful but I've chosen my dress". I say pointing to the blue gown.

"And then my friend's just taking off the one she's chosen". She gives a big smile and Jazz comes out. The attendant takes both dresses to the checkout counter thingy. Is it still called a checkout counter in a fancy clothes store?

Jazz hands her our credit cards and we pay before walking out.

"OMG, thirty minutes spent looking for a dress for a fancy party?! That's gotta be a world record". I chuckle at her silliness.

"What can I say? I'm talented, now let's go get me some food". I say and she sighs in fake dejection.

"Such a fatty". I grin and throw her a wink.

"Shut up, less talk, more walking, which leads to food". She hooks her hand in mine and we walk to the food court.


Short chapter I know, but don't forget to:




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