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Above Is Pretty Much How I Imagined Camryn's Room But Here's The Update...

Zion's POV

I woke up to the smell of pancakes and bacon. The lingering smells forced me to rise off the couch and follow where they were coming from. Momma stood over the stove. Camryn and Dom must've still been sleep.

"Good morning Momma," I say and she turns around with a smile on her face.

"Good morning Zion," she says and comes over to hug me. She presses a kiss on my forehead," I didn't mean to wake you up, honey."

"No it was just the smell of the food," I say," Now I see where Camryn gets her cooking skills from."

"She cooked for you?" Momma asked astonished.

I nod my head as I begin to chow down on the pancakes, eggs, sausage, bacon, and biscuits Momma handed me.

"That girl never cooks for anybody. You must really have her sprung," Momma smiles and washes her hands," Let me go wake the girls up before this food gets cold."

She walks out and not long after, Dom races into the kitchen.

"Morning Zion," she says making her plate.

"Morning Dom. Where Camryn?"

"Brushing her teeth. Her morning breath be ooohweee," we laugh and she sits down at the table. My baby trudges in minutes later and gives Dom a dirty look.

"I don't have morning breath, hoe."

"Watch ya mouth 'fore I tell Momma."

She walks over to me after giving Dom the finger.

"Morning ZiZi," she says and kisses my cheek.

I swallow my food quickly," Morning Ma," I say and wink at her. She blushes a little and walks into the kitchen. After she gets her food, she sits next to me.

"So whatcha wanna do today?" She asked smiling.

"I have no clue. Any ideas?"

"Well," she says thinking as she swallowed her bacon," There's skating, skating... Did I mention there's a skating rink?" She laughed.

"So I'm guessin' you wanna go skating?"

"Yea... I haven't been since I was like 15."

"We can go then."

"Awee thanks ZiZi. Dom won't go with me because she's horrible at it."

Dom looks up from her phone and scowls at her. They truly acted like sisters.

"Well you are," Camryn mutters. While were eating momma comes out of her room.

"Imma be out for a while. Lock the house up if you leave," she says individually giving us kisses on the forehead.

"Mommy, Where you going?" Camryn asks.

"The church is having another food drive," she says rushing out the door," Bye y'all."

Dom finishes and washes out her plate. She goes off into the living room.

"What ya gonna do today Dom?" Camryn yells from the sink. I handed her my stuff to wash too and she smacked her lips.

"Just stay home ig. I gotta hit all my old A-Town thots back up!"

I laugh and press up against Camryn. I Put soft kisses along her neck and she laughs.

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