Chapter 1

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I lived a simple life, that was how I liked it of course. I ate simple foods and had simple friends, everything that surrounded me was simple. I went to bed at a reasonable time, and had average grades. I made sure I didn't try to hard, so I could be average.

I saw it happen many times before, people getting hurt by the ones they loved. Because they got of their bubble and tried something new, they were shot down. When people took chances, they were always hurt. Life was surrounded by pain, it engulfed people and made them suffer incredibly until they couldn't handle it anymore. There were hardly a way to get around it, except for what I did.

In the third grade I decided I hated pain, when my supposedely perfect family was destroyed. I remembered walking out of the elevator into my shiny apartment. My parents were probably the richest people in New York. My pig tails swung back and forth as I skipped into the living room to tell my mom about my significant test grade. That's when I saw it, my dad yelling at my mom. There was another man sitting close to my mother, he looked extremely uncomfortable. I stepped into the kitchen before they could see me, and I listened in to their intense conversation.

"Mark calm down!" My mother squealed with her high voice.

"Suzan, you cheated on me! I can't calm down! You're just going to leave me for this dick?" My dad shouted, his voice boomed loudly throughout the kitchen.

"I'm sorry, but things aren't the same, you've became cruel and unloving." My mother said.

"What about Ryan and Annabeth?" My dad asked quieter, but I could still catch his words.

"I can't take them with me, they're yours now."

My heart broke at hearing this, my best friend was leaving me. Tears flooded my eyes, and an awful feeling in my stomach erupted, it spread throughout my whole body.

"Suzan." My dad said, hurt filling his voice.

"I'll be out by tonight." My mom said in a sad tone. Before my mom could leave that night, my dad got wasted. For some reason he thought that would keep her there, it suprisingly worked. At the time I was confused why she stayed, she always moped around and never was the same, so it wasn't because she wanted to.

I later realized she stayed because my dad got violent while drunk, and he could not take care of my younger sister and I. So out of the "kindness" of my moms heart she stayed. But it didn't make much of a different, because she became cruel and shut off, always yelling at us. She was rarely home, and only was our mom by giving us food and other necessities. I never tried to talk to her, I was extremely angry at her for almost leaving us.

I learned I didn't want that when I became an adult, I didn't want to yell and fight. I liked happiness, even if it was with a few people.

So that's how I became happy with the people I cared about, it was the easiest solution.


"Ryan." My English teacher, Mrs. Scott said in an annoyed tone. My eyes shifted from the peaceful view out the window to her angry face in front of me.

"Sorry." I mumbled quietly so only she could hear.

"Next time I catch you staring out the window I'll write you up." Mrs. Scott whispered viciously.

"It won't happen again." I assured her, I knew I was lying though. I zoned out of her boring lectures everyday, they were practically useless.

"This second semester we'll be going over Romeo and Juliet. We'll be writing essay's and many character analysis'." Mrs. Scott said making her way up to the front of the small classroom. Her heels clicked on the white floor.

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