Chapter 2- The Move

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(a/n this is me switching to third-person cause I don't like writing in first. It was just easier to start the story off that way. That'll probably happen a few times later on)

Alex's Pov

Alex flew over between the buildings of New York, Sophie informed her of a building fire on the main street. She hurried over to stop the fire, spraying water over the fire, taming the wild flames, knowing that the building could collapse at any minute, Alex had Sophie quickly scan for any life inside. Thankfully everyone had escaped the tower and no one was hurt.

Alex, having done her job, decided to head back home and cook dinner for her mom, as she was returning from a mission that night. She opened her window and jumped into the privacy of her room. She pulled off her suit and changed into her normal clothes; a cute pink tye- dye shirt and a short black skirt. Alex stepped out of her room and started on dinner. Of course with her powers, she could do multiple things at once. When her mom walked into the apartment, dinner had been cooked and was set out on the table, with Alex reading Dr Banners recent study on the effect of Gamma Radiation on one's mental health. "Hey Mom, how was the trip," Alex asked happily.

"It was good, sweetheart, I see you made my favourite" Natasha replied back with a tired smile.

"Well I knew you'd probably be tired and sore, so I thought maybe your favourite dinner would be a nice welcome home," Alex said.

"Well thank you, it is!" Natasha answered as she sat down to join her daughter. "What did you do this weekend?"

"Oh, I just stayed at home and read Dr Banners new study on the effect of gamma radiation on one's mental health. It's really interesting the way he perceives it! Anyways, what did you do on your mission? Did you kick HYDRA's ass? Did you win?" Natasha grinned at her daughter, shaking her head proudly. That smile soon faded into worry.

"Alex, I need to tell you something" Natasha started. Alex tensed up, did her mom know about her powers? Was she going to send Alex back to the orphanage? "We need to move to the Avengers Tower. The team needs me to be closer in case they have an urgent mission. You will still go to the same school, but you will just live further away. Tony is giving us our own rooms, and we will have so much more space. I know it'll be a bit weird living with the Avengers but it'll-"

"Mom, don't worry, it'll be fine. If that's what you need to do for work then so be it. Anyways it'd be so cool to live with my freakin idol Bruce Banner, two amazing assassins, as well as all the other Avengers and that walking fossil. You had better warn them they have a fangirl moving in." Alex smirked. Nat let out a relieved sigh. "When do we move?" Alex asked.

"As we don't have that much stuff, you'll take tomorrow off school and we will move in then, Clint, Steve and Wanda said they'd come over and help us pack!"

"Sounds great mom, I'm going to go get started," and with that Alex put her plate in the sink and walked calmly out of the room. As soon as she shut the door behind her she collapsed against it. Letting her breathing speed up and heart rate rise. Shit, she was going to be living with the Avengers. They had cameras everywhere, there was no way she could sneak in and out without getting caught. No one could know she was Elementia; what if they made her stop, what if they didn't like her, what if they didn't like her powers, what if they sent her back to the orphanage like her parents? They had FRIDAY, she would alert people when she was having a panic attack, then people would find out about her anxiety and her past, and the Avengers would easily be able to tell if she was having an attack, they have all had one at some point. This could not happen. She was going to have to do some serious hacking and figure out a way to hide her attacks or deal with her anxiety better. Alex stayed up against the wall for a while; back to the wall, hugging her knees, hyperventilating and shaking.

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