Chapter 2

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Just seconds after you comment your phone blows up with notifications, you sigh softly and turn your notifications off, sit back. You smile as you hear Harry singing in the shower
"If you're gonna waste my time, let's waste it right.. and hold me while you wait" his voices echoes in the bathroom and travels down the stairs.
He's always been a little shy about his singing, especially since his brother was starred as Billy Elliot in the musical.
His brother.. Tom Holland.. The Tom Holland.. also know as The MCU Spider-Man.. years ago you used to idolise Tom, you wanted to be every girl that was seen with Tom.. you wanted to be the mysterious girl seen with him but .. the universe had other things planned for you.
If it wasn't for you joining the Brits school you'd of never met Harry.. you would of never had all the amazing memories you and him now share.. and you would of never started dating.. which means you would of never of gotten to meet Tom.
Harry finds it hilarious how you still get a little star struck every time Tom gives you a hug hello or goodbye, but that's one of the many things that Harry loves about you.
"Love? Do you want me to keep the shower running?" Harry's voice echoes down the hallway
"No thank you babe, I had a shower before you woke up" you smiled "do you want help with your outfit?"
Harry pauses for a second "yeah... I think that'll be best" he chuckles.
He stands at the door frame only wearing his towel as he waits for you to come upstairs, you can't help yourself but take a deep breath as your eyes travel to his torso as you walk up the stairs
"Stop staring" he laughs as he walks into the bedroom and opens his wardrobe "I was thinking a hoodie and jeans?"
You shake your head "a shirt at least, long sleeved or short?"
"Long" he says as he walks to his draws and grabs some boxers, he picks a horrible pair that he's had for years
"Please don't wear thoes harry.. they need to be chucked away, they've been worn over a thousand times" you give him a pleading look "wear your new Calvin Klein ones.. please?"
He pouts as you take the horrible pair out of his hands and put them in the bedroom bin. You walk over to him and kiss his pout
"You'll thank me later" you smile cheekily before walking back to his wardrobe and picking out his outfit.

2 hours later

You sip your drink as you sit at the table in yours and Harrys local pub, you try to ignore the chit chat about moving onto a nightclub, you really weren't feeling it tonight. You slowly fade into a little daydream as you watch the bartender pour drinks.
"You alright love?" Harry's voice snaps you out of your day dream, his arm slides around your waist pulling you in closer to him by your hip
"Y-yeah, I'm fine, just a little tired" you smile up at him, not wanting to ruin his night.
"We can go home if you want? Watch a movie?" He lowers his voice so only you can hear him as the others Carry on chatting "to be honest, I'm not feeling the club tonight, I'd rather just pig out on birthday cake and watch netflix"
You laugh, it's like he's read your mind
"That's exactly what id love to do" you smile as he kisses your temple
"Who's up for shots then?" Tom raises his voice as he walks through the door with Harrys twin, sam.
Sam grabs Harrys arm and drags him to the bar, ordering shots for them. Sam eggs Harry on to take them and he does.. begrudgingly.
You let out a soft sigh knowing you're going to be the one to deal with him and his drunk arse tonight. Harry looks back at you and moves his head in a way to call you over, you smile sweetly and walk up behind him wrapping your arm around his waist as you pop your head between his and sams shoulders "what's your poison then boys?" You grin
"Tequila" sam grins as he licks his salt
"Gosh, messy one tonight then?" You laugh
"You're only 20 once!" Sam yells as he takes another shot,
You look over at Harry who has only managed one and looks like he's going to throw his food up be lined his stomach with before leaving the house
"D'you want some help there darling?" You smiles as you move his curls out of his face
"Yeah, please" he chuckles softly passing you two as you kiss his cheek
"Right.. lets do this" you take the two shots like a champ, beating both sam and Tom with their last two shots
"We need to drink with her more often" Tom chuckles as he struggles with his last one
"I think I'm going to be sick.." Harry mumbles as he walks off to the bathroom causing you to sigh loudly
"He'll be back out on the beer in a minute, he's not good with spirits" Tom sighs as he walks over to the booth and sits down
Sam who's now downing a snake bite plops down in the booth where Jacque is sipping her vodka and lemonade
"I swear.. if he's sick on me I'm leaving you all and never coming back" she scoots up moving away from sam and closer to Tom
Julia laughs sitting down next to sam "oh yeah.. like you've never been sick on a night out before.. so guys when are we leaving for the club?"
You place a tray of drinks you just bought and sit down in the booth, leaving space for Harry to sit next to you
"Erm, I don't know if Harrys up for the club?" You smiles softly not wanting to ruin everyone's night "but I'm sure he'd be happy for you guys to continue on?"
"Why don't we just go to another pub then?" Julia asks "this place is a lil boring and full of the old age pensions that live next door to y/n" Julia laughs softly "I'm joking y/n, your 95 year old neighbour is lovely"
You laugh "leave Doreen out of this, she's lovely and she's got 2 cute little Yorkshire terriers"
The conversation continues about where everyone's going to move onto and what pub to choose but Harry still hasn't come out of the bathroom..
"I'm going to go check on Harry, he's been in there a while" you smile and get up going to the bathroom, you grab a glass of water from the bar before you knock on the men's bathroom door to warn anyone that you're going in
"Harry? Are you okay?, can I come in?" You ask softly
"Yeah and yeah" he mumbles as you open the door and walk to the cubicle he's in,
You smile softly as you see him sat on the floor one arm hugging the toilet and the other holding his head
"Hey mr.lightweight, drink this.. it's water it'll help you" you pass him the glass of water and make sure he drinks it. you use the pair of reading glasses you have in your handbag to push his hair back off his face
"I love you so much y/n.. I don't know what I'd do without you" he mumbles
You smiles thinking maybe it wasn't a good idea to drink before leaving for the pub and before anyone had arrived,
"Do you want to head home darling?" You play with his curls and you sit on the floor next to him as he shakes his head
"It's sams birthday too, I don't want to ruin it" he sighs
"Harry.. you will ruin it if you're sick again or if you end up passing out" you sigh
He groans "give me a couple of minutes and I'll be okay.. I just need to nap"
"Alright, well lets get you out of this bathroom.. before you ruin your new jeans" you stand up before helping him up.. with a huge struggle

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