Chapter 8

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The journey to Nikkis was quiet, but you kept yourself occupied with keeping tess still on your lap and stopping her from falling down. You hum a little a tune youve been playing on the piano whilst Harrys been gone
"What songs that?" Tom asks
"What song?"
"The one you're humming.."
"Oh.. Erm.. it's my own" you look at Tom
"It's good, any lyrics for it yet?"
"Not yet, but I'm working on it" you smile as you kiss tess behind her ear.

Nikki welcomes you with a huge hug "if you want to stay the night, you can darling.. you're always welcome here okay?" 
You smile "thank you" you walk into the kitchen where Julia and sam are working hard on the roast dinner
Julia stops in her tracks and looks you up and down with a shocked look  "Okay girl! I see you!"
You laugh as you steal a roast potato
"Hey! No stealing" sam yells and swats your hand away
You stick your tongue out and take it anyway. You grab a glass of lemonade and sit on the sofa next to Nikki. Everyone soon joins you both in the living room and you all watch a movie whilst sam and Julia finish cooking the dinner. You've not felt this comfortable since Harry left for work. You feel yourself slowly falling asleep, Nikki notices and puts her arm around you , letting you rest your head on her lap as she strokes your head softly... this is what you needed.. a cuddle from a mum..

"Hey bro, how's it going out there?" You hear Tom talking on the phone in the hallway "Bro.. come on.. don't do that, no I'm not going to say anything but you can't be doing that, not whilst you're away" you let out a loud sigh and tessa copies you
Sam laughs "fed up already?.. good job dinners ready"
Jacquie grins "thank god, I'm starving"

The dinner isn't awkward as such but it's definitely weird without Harry being there. Everyone's talking about there day, Toms talking about his new movie, sams talking about his new dishes he made through the week and Julia is talking about the broadway show her and sam saw that week.. you sense Jacquie is holding something back and you know she's about to let it blow..
"I'm pregnant"
There it was.. you look across the table to see other people's reaction, you kinda already knew she was pregnant, the weird cravings, little bit of weight gain.. she had that pregnancy glow about her.
"Wow! Oh my goodness" Nikki is shocked she doesn't even have the words to describe how she's feeling..
"Yeah.. were having a baby girl" Tom smiles softly as he looks at his mum and dad
"First holland baby girl" Nikki tears up a little before getting up and cuddling both Jacquie and Tom
"Congratulations guys" you smile sweetly

Later that night 
You've chosen to stay the night at Nikki & Dom's house, you couldn't bare to go home to an empty house.
You're in Harrys old bedroom, wearing one of his old T-shirt's as a nightdress.
You're taking off your makeup as your phone rings, it's Harry FaceTiming you.
You answer

"Hey princess, ooh you're at mums?" Harry frowns a little "is everything okay?"
"Yeah yeah, everything's fine, I came over for dinner and I'm a little too tired so your mum let me stay in your old bedroom" you stand your phone up on his chest of draws as you continue to take your makeup off
"How was dinner? Did sam cook?" He asks as he drinks his cup of tea
"It was lovely, yeah he did, we had a roast but it was pork" you smile as you look at him
"Ugh I love his roasts" Harry chuckles
"You missed out on some massive news tonight, Tom and Jacquie are having a baby" you start to tie your hair up
"What? No way... when did they have the time for that?" Harry laughs
You laugh and nod "that's what I was thinking, they've both been so busy with work" you finish putting your hair up and you get into bed
"Is that my T-shirt?" Harry asks
You grin and nod "yeah"
"Thief" he chuckles as he watches you get comfy in bed "god I wish I was there with you" 
You hum "I wish you was too.. or even if I was there with you"
Harry sighs "this is hard.. remind me never to take long distance jobs again" he laughs softly

You both chat away to each other until you're both asleep forgetting to hang up, you sleep peacefully to Harrys loud snores .

7 days later
It's coming up to Valentine's Day and Harrys birthday, you're planning to go out to set to surprise him.
Jacquie sips a hot chocolate as she walks behind you "don't you want to go business class?"
"Yeah but I can't afford it" you sigh
"I'll see what I can do.." she smirks as she calls Tom
"Hi baby, I have a person here who's very special to us who's going away for 3 weeks and I was wondering if we could upgrade her ticket?" She pauses whilst Tom rambles on "so is that a yes?" She grins "perfect thankyou darling, I love you!" She hangs up and looks at you again "log in to Toms account and use his air time"
You laugh "thankyou" you do as she said and book your flight, you're all booked to go, you'll be spending 1 week on your own before surprising Harry on Set.
You're so excited to finally see him, he hasn't got a clue that you're going.
You sit back and grin "I'm so excited.. I got his birthday present" you turn the computer to show Jacquie "we're going to go and have dinner up in the Empire State Building and I got him a new watch because he's complaining about not being able to change his current one because the pin is too small" you smile softly
"Gosh, you've gone all out.. he's only 21" she laughs

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