Chapter 4

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You walk over to the kitchen and turn on Spotify and play Harrys guilty favourite song hoping that he'd wake up, being awake alone is kinda boring.
"PROMISE ILL BE THE CUREEEEE!" Harry sings from the bedroom
You laugh "wake up lazy bum!" You yell upstairs
He yawns and stretches loudly "I'm coming!"
You laugh " I hope not"
"Oh my god y/n!" He laughs as he jogs downstairs only wearing his pj bottoms "I can't do that without you anyway" he smirks and kisses your cheek on his way to the kettle and makes himself a cup of tea.
You walk up behind him and cuddle him kissing his shoulder blade.

Later that day

You're sat on the sofa wearing Harrys hoodie and leggings watching Harry and sam open their presents from the guys you went out drinking with last night
Jacquie texts you

Jacquie: are you okay? You seem quiet x

You: yeah, I'm great. Just a little tired x

Jacquie: are you sure? You know what happened the last time you got like this x

You: yeah, I know.. it's not like that x

"You need help y/n! You're fucking mental!" Harry yells at you
You throw the nearest thing at him as you scream back at him "I wouldn't be like this if it wasn't for you! You drive me crazy Harry!.. I can't deal with it anymore" you soon realise what you threw was a photo of you and Harry on the first day you met.
Harry glares at you "I don't know you anymore y/n.. you're not the girl I fell in love with.."
he walks out and slams the front door behind him. You fall to the floor and sob
Flash back ends

You look up from your phone, quickly wiping the tear from your eye before anyone could see but it was too late.. Harry had saw it.. he frowns as he looks at you, hoping he'd catch your attention to see if you're okay.. it breaks his heart to see you cry, especially when he doesn't know why.
You take a deep breath
"Anyone want a tea or coffee?" You stand up and put your slippers on
"Tea please" Julia smiles
"Coffee 2 sugars" jacquie says
"Tea please y/n" Tom grins
"Have you got any beer?" Sam asks
You laughs at sam "I'll have a look, Harry do you want anything babe?" You stand behind him as he sits on the floor and you play with his curls
"I'll come get mine, you'll need a hand with all the drinks anyway" he looks up and smiles softly
You smile back before walking to the kitchen, Harry following you close behind.
As you put the kettle on, Harry closes the door behind him and pulls you close to him as hugs you
"Are you okay?" He asks softly
You shake your head as you let out a soft sob into his chest, you cling to him
"What's wrong darling?" He holds you closely and tightly as he kisses the top of your head
"I-I don't know, but I think it's happening again" you look up at him as you sniffle
"Well we'll work through it together this time.. I promise, did you remember to take your medication today?" He moves your hair out of your face as you nod
"Okay, that's good" he pauses for a couple of seconds "what if we go away for a little while?, Tom and I are going to Morocco soon to finish the filming for cherry, what if you come with us and when we wrap we can have time out there together.. just me and you"
You smiles softly and nod "that'll be nice, are you sure?"
He nods "of Course I'm sure" he places a kiss on your nose "now, tea and coffee time.."
you smile and stick the kettle on before getting the mugs out. You pass Harry yours and his favourite mugs as he starts to make the drinks.

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