Chapter 9

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Today's the day, you're on your way to the airport to go and see Harry.. well you're going to adventure around the city before seeing Harry..
you take one last check of your social media before signing out so he can't see where you are.
You sit back and put your AirPods in and smile as you listen to yours and Harrys joint playlist.

When you arrive to the airport you take a deep breath and get out of the car. You thank the driver tipping him a lot before walking off to the entrance. Stepping inside gave you a shock, it was massive.. you've never been to an airport without Harry and Tom and tons of security.. you've never realised how big it was.
"Right, check in" you say to yourself as you walk over to the check in desks
You smile politely and pass your passport and boarding pass
"Bags.." she looks you up and down
"Oh,yeah.. I Have a suitcase" you grin
"Put it on then.." she sighs rolling her eyes
"Oh sorry.." you place your suitcase on the weight as she looks you up and down before labelling it "goodbye" she looks at you placing the paperwork on your passport
"Thankyou" you smile "have a nice day.. don't smile too much" you sigh as you walk off with your hand luggage and go towards security

Security seemed easier, you walk through to the business lounge which Tom had booked for you, you sit down with your headphones in and text Harry

Y/n: I miss you darling, hope you have a great day today ❤️

It takes him 2 seconds to text back

Harry: I miss you to babe, are you okay to call? ❤️❤️

You smile and text back saying yes

You both sit on the phone and chat for hours. Your plane is announced to start boarding
"I've got to go babe, I'll call you later okay? I love you?"you try to talk loudly so you cover the announcement
"I love you too darling, talk to you soon" he hangs up
You walk quickly to your gate and board your plane with no struggles at all.

Your plane ride is a little bumpy but you fall asleep anyway.
Once you get there you get off and work your way through security and out of the airport. Luckily your hotel was opposite the airport so there was no travelling to your hotel.

2 hours later

As soon as you got the airport you fell asleep, jet lag was a bitch! Once you get up you walk over to your suitcase, you put on a baseball cap and a scarf and go out to adventure the city.

As you're walking to the Empire State Building you get a phone call from Harry, you pick up

"Hey darling, how's your day going?" You grin as he doesn't know you're in the same city as him
"Why are you still awake? Where are you?.. are you out?" He questions
You laugh "what's with the 100 questions? I'm out with Julia, we've seen a movie we're now going for drinks"
"Oh, do you want me to go?" His voice saddens a little
"No, no, you're fine, I want to talk to you, I miss you" you smile
You can sense his happiness "I miss you too, they keep talking about you here on set which is getting to me.. I just want to hold you" you sighs a little
You smile knowing that he'll be able to soon "well it's not long until you finish, we've come this far, we can do a little longer"
A week later
Today's the day you're going to surprise Harry. You've dressed yourself up a little, done your hair and makeup, got him his favourite Chinese dish and both of you a cup of coffee each .. you're walking to set, you get stopped by a couple of fans who are trying to stalk Harry, they ask you some lovely questions and take selfies with you. You ask them not to post them until this evening as you're surprising Harry, they agree and smile and wish you luck.

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