The Beggining!

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So Alexander Hamilton had to move from some small house in the Caribbean because of hurricanes to New York where he met some people. "I can get you a job" said Aaron Burr the cool purple guy, taking him to the office. "Wow this is really cool" Hamilton said while he applied to George Washington to get a new job. He said he could start the job that day so he took a seat and looked at his co workers. "Hi I'm Thomas Jefferson" a curly haired guy in pink said to him "and don't touch my boyfriend James Madison or I'll kill you." He smiled and waved googbye. Hamilton looked over at Madison and saw how cute he was with his hair and blue outfit and blushed. "Hamilton he has a boyfriend" he thought to himself, angry at himself. He walked over and said hi but not flirting because they were just friends (for now). Hamilton already loved his new job.

Time skip!

The next day he came back into work and Madison said hi again. He waved back and hugged him as they were friends. Jefferson got really mad and threw a plant at Hamilton's head. "Ow don't do that" Hamilton shouted! "That's really mean" Madison told Jefferson. Jefferson then stole Madison's macaroni cheese he was eating and Madison started crying. Hamilton put his arm around him. "Don't worry he's being mean" he comforted him. Madison started blushing and smiling. Hamilton smiles back.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2020 ⏰

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