Helping Out and A Crazy Sleepover

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I sighed and made it back home seeing Sara cooking. "Hey your back have a good walk?" she asked, as I sighed. "Not really Shino asked me to be his fake girlfriend" I said, as she paused and looked at me shocked. "Don't tell me your thinking about doing it?" she asked, as I sighed. "Well Suigetsu did the same for me, maybe I should do the same for Shino" I said, as Sara sighed. "Did you ask Naruto?" she asked, as I narrowed my eyes. "What are you saying I need permission to help someone" I said, as Sara narrowed her eyes. "You want him to break up with you for doing something stupid?" she asked, as I growled. "Why would he break up with me for doing something stupid?" I shouted, as the door opened and we stopped and I turned my head seeing Naruto. "Uh, did I interrupt something?" he asked, as Sara looked at me. "That depends on miss need to help everyone" said Sara, as I growled. "I didn't say that" I shouted, as she sighed and walked passed Naruto slamming the door. "Something wrong?" asked Naruto, as Kyuubi came running jumping on Naruto's leg, he smiled and picked him up so Kyuubi could lick his face. "What would you do if a person you knew asked for a huge favour to help with family matters" I said, as Naruto paused and looked at me. "What's going on?" he asked, as I sighed. "Shino asked for me to be his fake girlfriend to impress his father for about two days" I asked, as his eyes widened. "Why would you do something stupid like that?" he shouted, as I took a step back. "Why is it stupid, I'm just helping him out" I said, as he narrowed his eyes. "Aren't I good enough for you?" he asked, as I narrowed my eyes. "I never said anything like that, it's just a favour someone needs in help, how is that stupid?" I asked, as Naruto sighed closing his eyes. "Mizuki, why wouldn't you ask me first?" he asked "Why do I need your permission to help someone as a favour" I asked, as he sighed. "Mizuki we're in a relationship you have to ask me too" he said, as I narrowed my eyes and turned my head. "I didn't agree to it" I said, as he paused and looked at me. "Yet" I said, as his eyes saddened. "So you’re going to?" he asked, as I looked at him. "I just want to help him out like Suigetsu helped me" I said, as Naruto growled and slammed the door in the bedroom. "Naruto" I said banging on the door. I sighed, and lowered my head; I knew Naruto was angry that I even thought about that. However I couldn't help it isn't human nature to help those who need it just as if someone helped you when you needed it. Was I so wrong to want to help Shino, sure it might have been a wrong way of asking especially if I was going to be his fake girlfriend, but he does need help. I slid at the door with my back behind it and just looked at the ground, and then it also came to me, I would hate myself every day if Naruto wasn't wanting to be with me because of something so... stupid as my cousin put it, just to feel better about helping someone who needs it. "Naruto" I said, as I closed my eyes. "I know you hate it when guys are around me, but I can't help feel obligated to help Shino. However I can't stand it when you’re angry at me, so I... won't do it if you don't want me to" I said, as my eyes widened feeling the door being open and my head hit the floor. "Ouch" I said, as I paused seeing Naruto hovering over me. He touched my cheek lightly and I blushed looking at him, I suddenly paused feeling his warm lips crashing into mine. I smiled wrapping my arms around his neck and having my hands in his hair. As he broke the kiss I looked into his eyes. "You owe me something big" he whispered, as I blushed looking at him. "Like what?" I asked, as he smirked glancing at me. "I think I'll make that the surprise" he said, as I blushed bright red and he kissed my lips again. Then in the midst of everything we started making out. "Ah-hem" said a voice, as we stopped and looked seeing Sara and Kabuto. "Well isn't this an unpleasant sight" said Kabuto, as I growled. "Drop dead" I said, as he smirked pushing up his glasses. I growled grabbing Naruto's hand and slamming the door. "Damn butt" I said, as Naruto smirked and wrapped his arms around my waist. "Two days? I don't know how I'm going to live with myself" he whispered, as I blushed and closed my eyes. "Idiot don't say stuff like that" I whispered, as he started kissing my neck.

The next day I sighed waiting at the park wearing a summer dress, influenced by Shino. It had purple iris on it and the background was light blue, and I decided to put on flip flops. I guess I was kind of relieved that Naruto had to work early otherwise he probably wouldn't even let me out of the house. I know I had a huge time getting out without Kyuubi following me and growling, it's like he knew automatically what I was going to do. I then paused out of my train of thought when a shadow was over me; I looked up seeing Shino wearing a baggy brown shirt and jeans wearing the same pair of sunglasses. "Ready to go?" he asked, as I sighed but nodded following him. "So what exactly do I have to do anyway?" I asked, as he turned to me. "Nothing, don't say anything... let me do all the talking" he said, as I looked at him kind of shocked. If anything Shino took me as the kind of guy who could care less about what I did or how I acted. I followed Shino to the Konoha Cafe. Oh crap, if anything Sai is probably going to spy non-stop the fake smiling weirdo. I sat down with Shino, and I paused as a man who kind of looked like him came and sat down just looking at me seriously. "This is her?" he asked, as Shino nodded. "I expected her to be taller and no glasses that’s for sure" he said, as I narrowed my eyes and growled. "Well she might not look like it but Mizuki is going to be the Student council president this coming year" said Shino, as I narrowed my eyes at him. I was doing him a favour and already the jerk is insulting me. "So... Mitsuki" he said, as I growled. "It's Mizuki" I said, as he narrowed his eyes at me. "Already correcting me huh?" he said, as I looked at Shino holding his head. "Well excuse me for wanting my name to sound-" I was about to say, but Shino covered my mouth. "Just apologize... I'm begging you" he whispered, as I sighed. "Sorry" I mumbled, as he crossed his arms. "Not too bright, is she?" he asked, as I growled glaring at him. "Actually she's one of the smartest girls in the school" he said, as his father sighed. "Shino enough, you know how I felt when you stubbornly gave up a relationship with Hinata Hyuuga, I will not accept this excuse for a slut" he said, as my eyes widened and I slammed on the table. "How dare you, you have no right to talk to anyone that way, especially your own son who feels like he needs to impress you. I don't see why but apparently he does, it's no wonder Hinata would feel so bad as to breaking his heart or him breaking her heart or whatever and for another thing if anyone is anything it's you for being a cold hearted ass to your own son who wants nothing more than your approval of his life" I shouted walking away out of the Cafe and making my way back to the park.

I waited there for a bit and Shino soon came and found me. "Thanks" he said, as I looked at him. "Why I screwed everything up" I said, as he smirked and sat beside me. "No one has ever done something so stupid yet so nice for me before" he said, as I sighed. "Thanks... I think" I said, as he smirked and put his sunglasses over my glasses. I looked at him and he smirked standing up. "Maybe... if the Naruto thing doesn't work out for you. You and I could have a shot... for real this time" he said, as I smirked closing my eyes. "Not likely" I said, as he hpmhed and closed his eyes while walking away. I giggled taking off the sunglasses and looking at them. Even though it was a day earlier than expected I did my good deed intended. I walked home satisfied and opened the door seeing it empty; I sighed and looked at the fridge seeing a note from Sara. Hey Cuz went to spend the night at Kabuto's house have fun with Naruto. ;) Don't do things I wouldn't do. Love Sara. I blushed bright red tearing up the piece of paper and throwing it in the trash bin. "What the hell Sara. Geez, you’re more perverted than me anyway and what do you see in that Kabuto guy anyway" I shouted. "Mizuki" said a voice, as I turned my head and looked seeing Naruto walking in from the front door. "Oh... hey" I said, as he smiled and walked over kissing my forehead. "So, am I losing my girlfriend?" he asked, as I growled and crossed my arms. "Excuse me but I have had it rough yelling at Shino's old man because he put so much pressure on him and he called me a slut so I would like some sympathy here" I said, as Naruto smiled softly and wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my neck. I blushed closing my eyes; it was like a good dream had taken over my bad nightmare. I suddenly paused as my cell phone rang. "Mizuki" whispered Naruto, as I whined. He smirked taking my cell and answered it. "Hello Mizuki's cell, her handsome boyfriend Naruto speaking" he said, as I laughed. "Eh, hey Temari... uh, Mizuki yeah" said Naruto, as he handed my cell phone. I answered it and smiled. "Hey Temari, what's up?" I asked "Hey I've invited Tenten, Hinata and Matsuri for a girl’s sleepover and you’re coming" she said, as my eyes widened. "Eh tonight but-" I was about to say. "Relax Shikamaru is going to phone Naruto after you come here" she said, as I laughed. "Alright see you tonight then" I said hanging up my cell as Naruto raised an eyebrow. "You’re seriously going to leave me?" he asked, as I smiled and hugged him close. "Shikamaru is going to phone you for a guy's night out" I said, as he smirked and kissed my forehead. "What about Kyuubi?" he asked, as I smiled. "I'm bringing him with me" I said, as he smiled. I packed up and Naruto and I left the apartment and I locked the door. Naruto walked with Kyuubi and me to Temari's place and he left once I entered. Temari smiled pushing me in and I saw everyone smiling at me. "Mizuki you know everyone, oh and this is Matsuri, she's a year younger than us, but she's Gaara's girlfriend" she said, as I smiled. "Nice to meet you" I said, as she smiled. "Alright everyone Truth or Dare" shouted Temari, as I smiled. After hours and hours of girl activities Temari suddenly got an evil look on her face. "Alright now... we sneak over to Shikamaru's place and have make-out sessions" said Temari, as our eyes widened "Eh but Neji-" Tenten was about to say, as Temari smirked. "The only guys at Shikamaru's place are Shikamaru, Kiba, Gaara, Naruto and Neji" she said, as I narrowed my eyes. "Why do I have a feeling you planned this from the beginning?" I asked, as she smirked even more. "That’s not all, we have to wear these" said Temari, as she pulled out sexy Night Gowns. "Eh" we shouted.

To Be Continued...

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