A Big Mistake

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More weeks have passed and I was alone at school, and I was eating in the student council room when the meeting was over. I then paused as my cell rang. I sighed not looking at the caller ID and picked it up. "Hello?" I said, as I heard a hpmh. "Hey it's me" said Sasuke, as I sighed and closed my eyes. "What have no friends so you have to bug me" I said, as he chuckled a bit. "Actually I was just phoning to tell you that I can't wait to face your new band at the battle of the bands near the Christmas party" said Sasuke, as I paused and narrowed my eyes. "To tell you the truth I don't know if I'm going to be in it" I said "Are you stupid why the hell not?" shouted Sasuke, as I sighed and closed my eyes. "It's none of your business" I said hanging up and packing up my not even touched lunch. I sighed and started walking around it kind of felt like the first day of school where I had no friends and Sasuke was still pissing me off. I couldn't even talk to my sister because she also transferred to stay close to Suigetsu who also transferred to Oto High school.

After school I got my things from my locker and made my way to the Konoha Cafe where I wore a dark purple Loli-shota dress, yes it was one of those cosplay cafe's I never noticed because I didn't go there much. I waited on tables and when my shift was over I sighed in relief and changed into the girl's bathroom. I started walking and paused realising that I didn't even want to go to the place that awaited the guy who broke everything inside of me. I paused as a hand went on my shoulder and I jumped turning my head. My eyes widened seeing Itachi. "Yo" he said, as I just looked at him. "What are you doing here?" I asked, as he sighed crossing his arms. "Is that anyway to address the guy that started helping you become famous" he said, as I turned my head. "Actually... I'm not in the band anymore... I quit" I said, as Itachi stopped and glared at me. "What the hell for?" he asked, as he paused seeing tears crawl down my face. "Mizuki" he said, as I lowered my head. "Forgive me Itachi-sempai, but I had to, please don't be angry" I cried, as I paused feeling a warm embrace, it was like Naruto's but firmer and more daring. I looked seeing Itachi hugging me "Stop crying" he whispered, as I nodded. He took my hand and led me to his Cherry red convertible. "Come on" he said, as I looked at it. "Where are we going?" I asked, as he raised an eyebrow. "Do you really want to know, or do you want to forget about something?" he said, as I paused and I lowered my head again. I got in the car and Itachi started driving me. Where I was going I had no idea, but I wasn't complaining... or rather I was sulking.

I sighed sitting in the front seat and looked seeing that it was now night time. "Itachi, where are you taking me?" I asked, as he smirked closing his eyes. "Believe me I'll make you forget about Naruto" he said, as I raised an eyebrow not really convinced. Itachi stopped and opened the door to his car for me and my eyes widened not believing what I was looking at Konoha University. Itachi grabbed my hand and lead me into a dorm and knocked three times. The door opened and my eyes widened seeing Sasori-sempai. "Well, well nice to see the rookie back" said Sasori, as I walked inside and my eyes widened seeing almost every one of the seniors who were dancing it was a party. "Yo Rookie" said a familiar voice, as I turned my head seeing Deidara-sempai... drunk. "Bottoms up" he said handing me a drink. I looked at the beer in my hands and looked at everyone around me. "Go ahead" said Itachi, as I looked at him surprised. "Why?" I asked, as he smirked. "This way you get a hangover and forget about your problem" said Itachi, as I looked at him. "Do you have a problem that you drank away?" I asked, as he smirked closing his eyes and tilted my chin towards him. "Everyone has a problem that they want to somehow drink away" he whispered, as I blushed a bit looking at Itachi, somehow it was flattering yet I was worried. I stopped when hearing a song that I haven't really heard before, suddenly a hand went out in front of me. I looked seeing Itachi and he smirked "Dance with me" he said, as I narrowed my eyes and turned my head, however his hand pulled me close to him and before I knew it we were dancing.

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