Sasuke Knows

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It was now Christmas break and I woke up around noon and I got out of my room seeing it all decorated with a small tree. Then Kyuubi came running and barking and I smiled seeing him wearing a Santa hat. "Mourning" said Naruto, as I smiled looking at him. "Hey" I said, as he wrapped his arm around my neck. "Look, I'm sorry about everything" he said, as I smiled and kissed his cheek. "As long as your okay with me" I said, as Naruto smiled and hugged me tight. "Yeah I am" he whispered, as we sat down watching TV. "Oh great your back together" said Tye, as we looked at him. "I'll just say one thing, don’t' ever pull this crap ever again" said Tye, as Naruto sighed and I smiled and leaned my head against his shoulder. "Mizuki can we go on a date before Christmas?" asked Naruto, as I smiled. "Of course" I said, as he smirked and kissed my lips. Things seemed back to normal, and the best part is, I am with Naruto and he wants to stay with me... forever.

The next day I woke up early and ate breakfast and I saw Naruto smiling towards me. "What?" I asked, as Naruto placed a huge box in front of me. "From my mom she said to open it, for our date tonight" he said, as I paused and looked at him. "How long have you been planning this date?" I asked, as he smirked. "It's not what you think it's an annual Konoha ball party, we hold it every year and this will be your first one, so my mom picked out something special for you" he said, as I glanced at him and hugged him. "I'm sorry" I said, as he sighed and kissed my lips deeply. "Stop it will you it's not your fault, besides we're together that's all that matters" said Naruto, as I smiled and then paused seeing Kyuubi whining at my feet. I smiled picking him up and cuddling him "Don't worry Kyuubi we didn't forget about you" I said, as Naruto took out a chew toy with a ribbon. Kyuubi bark taking it from Naruto and he wagged his tail. Tye walked in and sighed "Will you two get going already I'll look after Kyuubi" he said, as I looked at him "You have a girl coming over don't you?" I asked, as he hpmhed and turned his head. "Fine I'll open it in the car" I said taking the box, and walking with Naruto to his car. "Have you told anyone?" asked Naruto, as I looked at him and blushed a bit. "No, not yet... why did you want me too?" I asked, as he kissed my forehead. "Could you wait till I tell my parents first" he said, as I looked him. "You mean you didn't ask them first?" I said, as he sighed. "Nope" he said, as I kissed his cheek. "Alright let’s go then" I said, as he smiled and we were off to the city hall, where the Konoha yearly ball was being held. We walked in and there was our parents setting up with a few other parents. "Well you two are here early and not even ready" said my mother, as I smiled nervously. "Tye has a girl coming over" I said, as my mother sighed. "That boy I swear" she said, as I sweat dropped and ran into the bathroom with my box. I opened it and my eyes widened seeing the most beautiful dress I had ever seen.

I put up my hair and blushed looking at myself. "You actually clean up descent" said a voice, as I turned my head seeing the girl that played keyboards for Sasuke's band. "What are you doing here?" I asked, as she hpmhed and flicked my forehead. "I'm Sasuke's date duh" she said, as I narrowed my eyes looking at her. "Are you sure Sasuke doesn't seem like they type to ask out any girl" I said, as she growled. "Just because you turned him down doesn't mean he has other expectations" she said walking out and I growled a bit. It bothered me that Sasuke liked her, I didn't like Sasuke in that way, but he is like my brother to me especially because he was always there when I couldn't tell my parents. I walked out and my eyes widened seeing the hall looking like a ball room, then a hand touched mine and I paused seeing Naruto in a tuxedo. He kissed my hand and I smiled towards him. "You look beautiful" he said, as I smiled and hugged him. "Mizuki" said Kushina, as I smiled "Thank you so much for my dress" I said, as she smiled. "Well I'm glad you like it, I have to admit I thought Naruto would have given you something for Christmas" said Kushina, as I looked at Naruto. "You didn't tell her yet" I said, as Naruto slapped his forehead, and Kushina growled. "Naruto are you keeping something from me?" she asked, as Naruto smiled nervously. "You mean how like he kept breaking up and getting back together with Mizuki" said Sasuke with the girl from before. "Sasuke" growled Naruto "Naruto, why haven't you said anything... seriously why am I always hearing everything from your best friend" said Kushina, as my eyes widened. "What?" I asked, as Sasuke turned his head and so did Naruto. "No way" I said, as Kushina looked back and forth. "Let me guess you were keeping that you’re not best friends anymore either" she said, as Naruto growled. "Well let's hear it" she said, as my mother came by. "Yes what is going on?" asked my mother, as I blushed and turned my head. "Doesn't feel too good does it" whispered Naruto, as I growled. "Well?" said everyone, as I blushed and looked at Naruto. "Well, uh... we're back together" said Naruto, as I sighed and they sweat dropped. "We guessed that when you came in together" said Kushina, as Naruto sighed. "Well let’s go Mizuki" said Naruto grabbing my hand and we started dancing and I looked at him. "When are we going to tell them?" I asked, as he kissed my cheek. "We'll do it one at a time" said Naruto, as I nodded. "But we should really tell them soon, I mean I think they would want to know that we're going to get married" I said "WHAT" shouted a voice, as we stopped and turned our heads seeing Sasuke shocked. "Sasuke" we said, as he stood there and looked at us. What was Sasuke going to do?

"You... when did you?" asked Sasuke, as Naruto looked at him. "Sasuke" he said, as he narrowed his eyes. "Not you" said Sasuke, as Naruto glared at him a bit. "Didn't you just" he said, as I closed my eyes. "I'm sorry, I know what I said, however Naruto just makes me feel happy, and no one else can like he can for me" I said, as he clenched his fists. I walked up to Sasuke and kissed his cheek. "Sasuke you will always be like a brother to me, you were always there when I needed help other than my parents" I said "Because he's a stalker" mumbled Naruto, as I narrowed my eyes at Naruto, and he smiled nervously. "I guess it's better than being dumped" he said, as I smiled. "Actually if it's okay with Naruto I wanted you to be my maid of honour, without the dress and everything" I said, as Naruto looked at me shocked. "But Mizuki" he said, as I looked at him. "You know I don't have a best friend and Sasuke is the closets one" I said, as Naruto held out his hand towards Sasuke. "Friends again?" asked Naruto, as Sasuke paused and looked at Naruto's hand and then at me. "Only because of Mizuki... and if you do anything stupid I will be on her side in a heartbeat" said Sasuke, as Naruto growled while they were shaking hands. I smiled and danced with Naruto for the rest of the night.

Naruto was driving us home and I smiled looking at him. "What is it?" he asked, as I smiled. "He took it better than I thought and I'm glad you decided to be friends with him again" I said, as he smiled. "I'd do anything for you Mizuki" he said, as I blushed. "Idiot" I said, as he stopped the car in the parking lot and started making out with me in his car. "Naruto" I whispered, as he smirked. Suddenly there was a knock at the car door, and we stopped seeing Tye holding Kyuubi. We got out and looked at him upset. "What's wrong?" I asked, as he sighed. "The girl I had come over turned out to be a thief" he said, as our eyes widened and we ran to the apartment to see it empty. "How could you let this happen?" shouted Naruto "She knocked me out and kicked Kyuubi" he said, as I grabbed Kyuubi making sure he was okay, luckily he was. "Damn this is not good, did you call the police?" asked Naruto "Yeah they made their report and everything, they suggest we stay with family for a while" he said, as we sighed looking at each other. "Well at least we're safe" I said, as they nodded. We got back into Naruto's car and into his drive way. Naruto went to his house and we walked in and as we did my parents were there as well and we had explained what happened. Our parents offered us our old rooms and Tye was staying in the spare bedroom we had at home. I sighed returning to my old room and lying on my bed and Kyuubi slept on my stomach. I smiled rubbing his belly "Are you okay Kyuubi?" I asked, as he barked wagging his tail. I smiled and then paused as I felt hands in my hair. I turned my head seeing Naruto smiling at me. "I'd thought it would remind us of back then" he said, as I giggled and hugged him. "It was sweet thanks" I said, as he smiled and he sat next to me. "Who should we tell first?" asked Naruto, as I paused. "Your mom" I said, as he sighed and closed his eyes. "Of course" he said, as I giggled and we fell asleep.

To Be Continued...

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